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路走过,Linux 操控引导之旅(linux启动引导)

Linux 之旅 启动 引导 操控 走过
2023-06-13 09:15:05 时间

Linux操控引导之旅, has been a journey of discovery and exploration for many, including myself. After learning about the wonders of operating systems, I decided to take the plunge and learn the Linux command line.

Getting started with Linux command-line meant understanding the basics of Linux. Learning to become familiar with the terminal, the different types of commands, and navigating the directories was the first step. After getting comfortable with the basics, I began to explore the more intense tasks such as setting up a file server and seeing the power of script automation.

But it wasn’t just about writing code and learning how to navigate the Linux command-line, I also discovered how to customize my terminal and make it look the way I wanted. Seeing the different features and functionalities that Linux commands had was definitely intriguing.

The journey was challenging but rewarding. With each new task, I gained more and more confidence in my abilities and gained a greater appreciation for the power of Linux. I also learned the importance of following established standards and best practices, and taking the time to research topics or questions before making decisions.

Another fascinating aspect of Linux was its open-source nature. Being able to look through the Linux source code and see how things worked and why certain decisions were made was definitely insightful. Learning version control and how to collaborate with others also became a valuable toolset

in my development toolbox.

No matter the challenges and struggles, I kept pushing forward and applying the knowledge I had about Linux to new projects and tasks. The journey has been long and fulfilling, and I’m glad I was able to experience it. To anyone starting their own Linux journey, a word of advice: enjoy the ride!

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 路走过,Linux 操控引导之旅(linux启动引导)