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Yii 结合 Redis 实现高效开发(yii使用redis)

Redis开发 实现 使用 高效 结合 yii
2023-06-13 09:15:14 时间

As the old proverb goes, one stitch in time saves nine.The same applies to programming: efficient development of an application can save you a lot of time in deployment and maintenance. Among the strategies employed to this effect, caching is one of the most popular. With its help, you can improve infrastructure performance and reduce the time users spend waiting for dynamic pages to load.


Caching is most commonly implemented using databases like MySQL and MongoDB. However, it’s possible to use other data stores for this purpose as well, like Redis. Redis is an in-memory data store, meaning that data is stored entirely in memory, as opposed to being stored on disk as it is with databases. This means that data access is exceptionally fast, and favours applications that require extremely fast response time.

缓存最常使用的是数据库(MySQL、MongoDB)实现,但也可以使用其他数据存储,比如Redis。 Redis是一个内存数据存储,这意味着数据完全存储在内存中,而不是像数据库那样存储在磁盘上。这意味着数据访问速度非常快,有利于要求响应时间非常快的应用程序。

Yii is an excellent framework for developing web applications at a fraction of the time it would take for a custom development. By combining Yii with Redis, developers have an advantage in creating powerful, reliable, and fast web applications.

Yii是一个用于开发自定义应用程序所需时间的几分之一的优秀框架。 通过将Yii与Redis结合使用,开发人员可以利用自己的优势创建强大、可靠和快速的Web应用程序。

Yii can be integrated with Redis in several ways. The preferred approach is to install the Redis extension for Yii from the Yii Extensions repository and then use the built-in Redis cache module to store and retrieve data. The Redis extension for Yii provides several methods for saving and retrieving data from the Redis database, allowing developers to quickly develop applications that leverage the power of Redis.

Yii可以以几种方式与Redis集成。 推荐的做法是从Yii扩展仓库安装Yii的Redis扩展,然后使用内置的Redis缓存模块来存储和检索数据。 Yii的Redis扩展提供了几种方法来保存和检索来自Redis数据库的数据,使开发人员可以快速开发利用Redis强大功能的应用程序。

For example, here is the code for storing data in Redis using Yii:


$redis = Yii::app()- getComponent( redis );

$data = [ name = John Doe , age = 20];

$key = user:1

$redis- set($key, json_encode($data));

This code stores the array of data into the key “user:1” in the Redis database. Retrieving the data is as simple as calling the Redis::get method to the same key.

此代码将数据数组存储到Redis数据库中的“user:1”键。 检索数据只需调用Redis :: get方法到同一键即可。

Overall, combining Yii with Redis provides an incredibly efficient development methodology. Yii s easy-to-use modules and extensions provide a great platform for quickly creating applications that rely on efficient caching and data storage solutions. As a result, developers are able to deploy complex applications in significantly less time and with fewer bugs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Yii 结合 Redis 实现高效开发(yii使用redis)