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Linux 分支 发展 历程 统一
2023-06-13 09:14:48 时间


Linux是第一个采用GPL协议的操作系统,它允许人们查看、修改、分发其中的源代码。 1997年,开源社区宣布发布3.0版本,彻底终结了Linux的发版孤立状态。之后,有数百款Linux分发版发布,打破了那时Unix操作系统的垄断。




int main(){
printf("Linux is an open-source operating system that was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and its software source code is released under the GNU General Public License. Its development path from branching to unification has been widely used in technology, industry and personal open source communities.\n");printf("Linux was the first operating system under the GPL protocol, and it allowed people to view, modify and distribute the source code. In 1997, the open source community announced version 3.0 and finally ended Linux"s isolated status. Since then, hundreds of Linux distributions have been released, breaking the monopoly of Unix operating system at that time.\n");
printf("In 2008, Android incorporated the Linux kernel into the mobile system, bringing an amazing change to the smartphone market and Android"s invasion also made the development of Linux very fast. In 2012, the Linux kernel was used in the personal computer market, with dozens of derived versions, and Linux has been widely used in the open source community. Personal users can modify their own open source kernel according to their needs to get a more secure and reliable system, and more players have joined the open source community.\n");printf("By 2017, Linux had become the banner of the server market without a unified operating system. The differences between different Linux distributions are becoming smaller and smaller and more features are supported. The Linux of different factions has achieved a relative unity and has been strongly supported by the community. Now, Linux has attracted more and more attention from the society. Not only is it widely used in applications such as PC servers, embedded devices and smartphones, but also many changes have been made between development and use.\n");
printf("The development of Linux has gone through the process of branching to unification. From 1991 to now, it has gradually matured and gained more and more extensive use. More and more researchers continue to improve the Linux system in order to make it more elegant, secure and reliable, which is the ultimate form of the development history of the Linux system.\n");return 0;

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Linux的发展历程:从分支到大统一(linux的分支)