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安装MySQL on Windows: A Comprehensive Installation Guide(mysqlwin版)

mysqlWindows安装On Guide Comprehensive installation
2023-06-13 09:14:02 时间

MySQL is an open source database management system widely used in web development and other types of application software. It is a popular choice among developers, as it is highly versatile and powerful. Installing MySQL on Windows is a fairly straightforward process, but some steps can be complicated. Here is a comprehensive guide to installing and setting up MySQL on Windows.

First, download the latest version of MySQL from the official website. After downloading, double-click the setup file to start the installation wizard. Follow the instructions during the installation and make sure you read the “on-screen” instructions carefully.

When asked to set up the configuration options, select “ Typical ” from the drop-down menu. This will create the default configuration settings, which are most suitable for a basic installation. If you need specific configurations to suit your application, you can choose the “ Custom ” option and configure the settings as per your requirement.

Once the setup is completed, the MySQL service will start automatically. To control it, go to the services menu of Windows by clicking Start Run Services. You will see the MySQL service listed there. If you want you can change the settings or stop the MySQL service. Otherwise, it will keep running as long as Windows is running.

The next step is to create a database. In the MySQL command prompt, enter the following code:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

This will create the database, using the name you provided. Once the database is created, you will be able to create tables and modify data.

Finally, the last step is to set up the permissions for MySQL. In the MySQL command prompt, enter the following code:

GRANT ALL ON database_name TO username@localhost;

This will give the username full access to the database. You can then create users and set up the required permissions.

Installing MySQL on Windows is quite simple, however it is important to familiarize yourself with the basics of the MySQL command structure. Once you have completed the installation, you can start using it to develop powerful applications.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

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