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commandLinux print0 Command: A Powerful Printing Tool(linuxprint0)

Command TOOL Powerful commandLinux printing
2023-06-13 09:14:05 时间

Linux is known for its impressive range of software tools, and the print0 command is no exception. This command, part of the coreutils package, is frequently used to efficiently perform printing tasks in Linux.

A print0 command is a powerful shell utility that enables users to print documents, photos and other files on the Linux operating system. It is a powerful command line tool that can run scripts, query the printer s settings and job statuses, as well as other tasks. It can also be used to print multiple files at once.

The print0 command works by allowing users to print multiple files at once. It accepts one or more filenames as arguments and prints each file in turn. Each filename is followed by a null character, which allows for easy parallelism when printing multiple files. Additionally, the print0 command can be used to quickly print a file without manually specifying printer settings.

The syntax of the print0 command is as follows: “print0 file1 file2 file3 …” In this example, “file1,” “file2,” and “file3” represent the filenames that you want to print.

Here is an example. Suppose you want to print the documents “doc1.pdf” and “doc2.pdf”. Here is how to use the print0 command:

$ print0 doc1.pdf doc2.pdf

This command would then print both files.

The print0 command is also useful if you want to print multiple files automatically without specifying any printer settings. In this case, you would use this command:

$ print0 *.pdf

The “*.pdf” is a wildcard expression that matches all files that end in the “.pdf” extension. This command would then print all PDF files in the current directory.

The print0 command is an incredibly useful tool for printing a range of files quickly and efficiently. It is a powerful command line tool for managing printer queues and jobs, and can be used to quickly print multiple files without manually specifying printer settings. By following the syntax outlined above, it is easy to use the print0 command to quickly perform printing tasks.

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