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MySQL Insert: Getting Started with Data Insertion(mysql的insert)

mysql with Data INSERT Started Getting Insertion
2023-06-13 09:13:35 时间

Getting Started with MySQL Insert

MySQL Insert is a powerful command used to store information in an existing database. Learning how to use it effectively can be beneficial in many development scenarios.

As a relational database management system (RDBMS) MySQL supports a wide range of the SQL language to perform various operations on the database. Inserting data is a very common operation in database applications and it is possible with the Insert command.

In order to use MySQL Insert, the data to be inserted should include the table name and the corresponding column names. The specific row or records that need to be inserted should also be provided along with values to be filled in the corresponding columns.

To get started, first identify the table into which you need to insert the data. This can either be done from the Information Schema or by directly inspecting the data in the database.

Next we will need to write a SQL statement for the designated operation. The statement should begin with the Insert Query that specifies the table name and columns to be manipulated, followed by the Values clause giving the values for each of the specified columns. For example, the query for inserting a record into a table employees could be as below:

INSERT INTO employees (emp_name, emp_address,emp_salary) 
VALUES("John", "New York", 39000);

Additionally, you can also provide multiple records at once with the help of an SQL statement. To incorporate multiple records in one statement, you can use comma-separated values within the Values clause. For example, the query to insert multiple entries in employees table can be as following:

INSERT INTO employees (emp_name, emp_address,EMP_salary) 
VALUES("John", "New York", 39000), ("Mary", "Chicago", 35000),
("Tom", "Los Angeles", 42000);

Once the query is prepared, it should be executed by passing it to the execute() method of the connection object. As a result, the corresponding records should be successfully inserted into the database.

MySQL Insert is quite a handy command when it comes to inserting data into the database tables. It provides full control to set values of the table fields and can be used to insert multiple records in one go. So getting familiar and understanding the Insert command is essential for developing relational database applications.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 MySQL Insert: Getting Started with Data Insertion(mysql的insert)