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Oracle 01113:新增服务革新技术(oracle01113)

Oracle技术服务 新增 革新
2023-06-13 09:13:53 时间


Recently, many Oracle users have experienced new issues. Database administrators share the same concern. That is why Oracle has unveiled a new service innovation technology tailored specifically to these concerns. The Oracle 01113 service allows organizations to use a faster approach to database patching and improve database performance. This article will present the differences between Oracle 01113 and traditional database patching techniques, as well as the benefits associated with this technology.

Oracle 01113

Oracle 01113 is a novel service innovation technology based on the Oracle Live Patching feature. It allows administrators to apply bug fixes, security updates and patches as online, on-demand operations at a fraction of the cost of traditional updating techniques. This technology enables organizations to take advantage of an alternative and faster process of patching – something which can significantly reduce downtime.

Benefits of Oracle 01113

The time and money saved with the Oracle 01113 service are one of the most valuable benefits of this technology. By making use of this technology, organizations can reduce downtime drastically. Furthermore, the introduction of this service removes the necessity of other costly processes like replicating or copying database instances and then running back-up/restore procedures.

This newer Oracle patching technique also saves database admins from various other technical hurdles that they usually have to face while carrying out patching. By performing only one operation, admins can save a significant amount of database time and energy.


Oracle 01113 provides an effective and quick approach for patching current database instances. This novel service simplifies the installation of database patches and bugfixes, thereby providing organizations with a more efficient and cost-effective solution than standard patching techniques. The use of this technology has not only made the database patching process easier but it also eliminates the need to replicate and copy database instances. The Oracle 01113 service thus provides a faster, simpler and more cost-effective solution for patching databases.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 01113:新增服务革新技术(oracle01113)