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Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE – Part 3 – Chart Data and render详解编程语言

编程语言 详解 &# with Data and 8211 create
2023-06-13 09:11:52 时间
We know already how to use chart designer and we re able to save/read it s result to/from standard texts. So let s go for most interesting part rendering the chart. Of course we will need some data but I will use dummy one just to show you how to create the chart, you can replace this part with loop on your internal table or even better change it in the way that you ll pass internal table.

In the method provided bellow I firstly create custom container object (
cl_gui_custom_container) to place the chart in it, then I create chart engine (
cl_gui_chart_engine), then using
 if_xml I create an xml data container which in fact can be written using simple concatenate statement but it s not nice to change and easy to mess.

So after we receive an xml with data then I will pass it to chart engine, then I will run the method prepared in previous part (
Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE Part 2 Customization ) to read the customization of the chart and I will pass it also to engine. Finally I will render the chart. Importing:

I_CONTAINER_NAME TYPE CSEQUENCE - custom container s name




method create_and_init_chart.
*This is the code from IT虾米网
 data: f_lenght type i.
 data: f_xstring type xstring.
 data: fo_ixml_mf type ref to if_ixml.
 data: fo_ixml_sf type ref to if_ixml_stream_factory.
 data: f_ixml_data_doc type ref to if_ixml_document.
 data: f_ostream type ref to if_ixml_ostream.
 data: f_encoding type ref to if_ixml_encoding.
* chart data elements:
 data: f_chartdata type ref to if_ixml_element,
 f_categories type ref to if_ixml_element,
 f_category type ref to if_ixml_element,
 f_series type ref to if_ixml_element,
 f_point type ref to if_ixml_element,
 f_value type ref to if_ixml_element.

 if co_container is initial.
  create container
 create object co_container
 container_name = i_container_name.
  create an engine assigned to our container
 create object co_chart_engine
 parent = co_container.

* processing data
 fo_ixml_mf = cl_ixml= create( ).
 fo_ixml_sf = fo_ixml_mf- create_stream_factory( ).
* create an empty document and set encoding
 f_ixml_data_doc = fo_ixml_mf- create_document( ).
 f_encoding = fo_ixml_mf- create_encoding(
 byte_order = if_ixml_encoding= co_little_endian
 character_set =  utf-8  ).
 f_ixml_data_doc- set_encoding( f_encoding ).

* Now build a DOM, representing an XML document with chart data
 f_chartdata = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  ChartData
 parent = f_ixml_data_doc ).

* Categories (parent)
 f_categories = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Categories
 parent = f_chartdata ).
* Categories (children)
 f_category = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Category
 parent = f_categories ).
 f_category- if_ixml_node~set_value(  My first category  ).

 f_category = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Category
 parent = f_categories ).
 f_category- if_ixml_node~set_value(  My second category  ).
 f_category = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Category
 parent = f_categories ).
 f_category- if_ixml_node~set_value(  My third category  ).

* Build series (we need only 1)
 f_series = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Series
 parent = f_chartdata ).
 f_series- set_attribute( name =  customizing
 value =  Series1  ).

*1st category
 f_point = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Point
 parent = f_series ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  customizing
 value =  Category1  ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  label
 value =  Best one  ).
 f_value = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Value
 parent = f_point ).
 f_value- if_ixml_node~set_value(  50  ).

*2nd category
 f_point = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Point
 parent = f_series ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  customizing
 value =  Category2  ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  label
 value =  Not so bad  ).
 f_value = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Value
 parent = f_point ).
 f_value- if_ixml_node~set_value(  35  ).

*3rd category
 f_point = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Point
 parent = f_series ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  customizing
 value =  Category3  ).
 f_point- set_attribute( name =  label
 value =  Worst one  ).
 f_value = f_ixml_data_doc- create_simple_element(
 name =  Value
 parent = f_point ).
 f_value- if_ixml_node~set_value(  15  ).

* create ostream (into string variable) and render document into stream
 f_ostream = fo_ixml_sf- create_ostream_xstring( f_xstring ).
 f_ixml_data_doc- render( f_ostream ).  here f_xstring is filled

  set data to chart
 co_chart_engine- set_data( xdata = f_xstring ).

  get customizing from Standard text method found here
 f_xstring = chart_customizing(
 i_title =  My nice chart
 i_subtitle =  http://abapblog.com ).
  set customizing
 co_chart_engine- set_customizing( xdata = f_xstring ).

  render chart
 co_chart_engine- render( ).


Example of use:

To be able to use the method we should firstly create a screen with custom control and call it 
CHART_SAMPLE. Remember about allowing of resizing of the control so the chart can change it size together with window size change. 
PBO I will use to render chart and
 PAI to exit from the screen.

Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 3 - Chart Data and render详解编程语言

  At the end we would need also 
GUI Status, to simplify it I will only fill few buttons with 
END command. Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 3 - Chart Data and render详解编程语言

  Example Code for program:

report zab_chart_pie.

data: g_okcode type sy ucomm.
data: go_abapblog type ref to zcl_abapblog_com.  our class with chart methods
data: go_chart type ref to cl_gui_chart_engine.
data: go_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.

call screen 0100.

* -*
* -*
* -*
module pbo output.
 set pf-status  STATUS_0100 .

 if go_abapblog is initial.
  create object go_abapblog.

  render chart
  go_abapblog- create_and_init_chart(
                i_container_name =  CHART_SAMPLE
                co_chart_engine = go_chart
                co_container = go_container

endmodule.  pbo OUTPUT

* -*
* -*
* -*
module pai input.
 if g_okcode eq  END .
   leave to screen 0.
endmodule.  pai INPUT

Result of our work: