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线程原理编程语言 实现 详解
2023-06-13 09:11:49 时间





二. 线程池的设计        下面利用C语言来实现一个简单的线程池,为了使得这个线程池库使用起来更加方便,特在C实现中加入了一些OO的思想,与Objective-C不同,它仅仅是使用了struct来模拟了c++中的类,其实这种方式在linux内核中大量可见。        在这个库里,与用户有关的接口主要有:


typedef struct tp_work_desc_s tp_work_desc; //应用线程执行任务时所需要的一些信息 

 typedef struct tp_work_s tp_work; //线程执行的任务 

 typedef struct tp_thread_info_s tp_thread_info; //描述了各个线程id,是否空闲,执行的任务等信息 

 typedef struct tp_thread_pool_s tp_thread_pool; // 有关线程池操作的接口信息 

 //thread parm 

 struct tp_work_desc_s{ 

 //base thread struct 

 struct tp_work_s{ 

 //main process function. user interface 

 void (*process_job)(tp_work *this, tp_work_desc *job); 

 tp_thread_pool *creat_thread_pool(int min_num, int max_num);



 //main thread pool struct 

 struct tp_thread_pool_s{ 

 TPBOOL (*init)(tp_thread_pool *this); 

 void (*close)(tp_thread_pool *this); 

 void (*process_job)(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work *worker, tp_work_desc *job); 

 int (*get_thread_by_id)(tp_thread_pool *this, int id); 

 TPBOOL (*add_thread)(tp_thread_pool *this); 

 TPBOOL (*delete_thread)(tp_thread_pool *this); 

 int (*get_tp_status)(tp_thread_pool *this); 

 int min_th_num; //min thread number in the pool 

 int cur_th_num; //current thread number in the pool 

 int max_th_num; //max thread number in the pool 

 pthread_mutex_t tp_lock; 

 pthread_t manage_thread_id; //manage thread id num 

 tp_thread_info *thread_info; //work thread relative thread info 




 //thread info 

 struct tp_thread_info_s{ 

 pthread_t thread_id; //thread id num 

 TPBOOL is_busy; //thread status:true-busy;flase-idle 

 pthread_cond_t thread_cond; 

 pthread_mutex_t thread_lock; 

 tp_work *th_work; 

 tp_work_desc *th_job; 




三. 实现代码


static void *tp_work_thread(void *pthread); static void *tp_manage_thread(void *pthread); static TPBOOL tp_init(tp_thread_pool *this); static void tp_close(tp_thread_pool *this); static void tp_process_job(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work *worker, tp_work_desc *job); static int tp_get_thread_by_id(tp_thread_pool *this, int id); static TPBOOL tp_add_thread(tp_thread_pool *this); static TPBOOL tp_delete_thread(tp_thread_pool *this); static int tp_get_tp_status(tp_thread_pool *this); * user interface. creat thread pool. * para: * num: min thread number to be created in the pool * return: * thread pool struct instance be created successfully tp_thread_pool *creat_thread_pool(int min_num, int max_num){ tp_thread_pool *this; this = (tp_thread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(tp_thread_pool)); memset(this, 0, sizeof(tp_thread_pool)); //init member function ponter this- init = tp_init; this- close = tp_close; this- process_job = tp_process_job; this- get_thread_by_id = tp_get_thread_by_id; this- add_thread = tp_add_thread; this- delete_thread = tp_delete_thread; this- get_tp_status = tp_get_tp_status; //init member var this- min_th_num = min_num; this- cur_th_num = this- min_th_num; this- max_th_num = max_num; pthread_mutex_init( this- tp_lock, NULL); //malloc mem for num thread info struct if(NULL != this- thread_info) free(this- thread_info); this- thread_info = (tp_thread_info*)malloc(sizeof(tp_thread_info)*this- max_th_num); return this; * member function reality. thread pool init function. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * return: * true: successful; false: failed TPBOOL tp_init(tp_thread_pool *this){ int i; int err; //creat work thread and init work thread info for(i=0;i this- min_th_num;i++){ pthread_cond_init( this- thread_info[i].thread_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init( this- thread_info[i].thread_lock, NULL); err = pthread_create( this- thread_info[i].thread_id, NULL, tp_work_thread, this); if(0 != err){ printf("tp_init: creat work thread failed/n"); return FALSE; printf("tp_init: creat work thread %d/n", this- thread_info[i].thread_id); //creat manage thread err = pthread_create( this- manage_thread_id, NULL, tp_manage_thread, this); if(0 != err){ printf("tp_init: creat manage thread failed/n"); return FALSE; printf("tp_init: creat manage thread %d/n", this- manage_thread_id); return TRUE; * member function reality. thread pool entirely close function. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * return: void tp_close(tp_thread_pool *this){ int i; //close work thread for(i=0;i this- cur_th_num;i++){ kill(this- thread_info[i].thread_id, SIGKILL); pthread_mutex_destroy( this- thread_info[i].thread_lock); pthread_cond_destroy( this- thread_info[i].thread_cond); printf("tp_close: kill work thread %d/n", this- thread_info[i].thread_id); //close manage thread kill(this- manage_thread_id, SIGKILL); pthread_mutex_destroy( this- tp_lock); printf("tp_close: kill manage thread %d/n", this- manage_thread_id); //free thread struct free(this- thread_info); * member function reality. main interface opened. * after getting own worker and job, user may use the function to process the task. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * worker: user task reality. * job: user task para * return: void tp_process_job(tp_thread_pool *this, tp_work *worker, tp_work_desc *job){ int i; int tmpid; //fill this- thread_infos relative work key for(i=0;i this- cur_th_num;i++){ pthread_mutex_lock( this- thread_info[i].thread_lock); if(!this- thread_info[i].is_busy){ printf("tp_process_job: %d thread idle, thread id is %d/n", i, this- thread_info[i].thread_id); //thread state be set busy before work this- thread_info[i].is_busy = TRUE; pthread_mutex_unlock( this- thread_info[i].thread_lock); this- thread_info[i].th_work = worker; this- thread_info[i].th_job = job; printf("tp_process_job: informing idle working thread %d, thread id is %d/n", i, this- thread_info[i].thread_id); pthread_cond_signal( this- thread_info[i].thread_cond); return; else pthread_mutex_unlock( this- thread_info[i].thread_lock); }//end of for //if all current thread are busy, new thread is created here pthread_mutex_lock( this- tp_lock); if( this- add_thread(this) ){ i = this- cur_th_num - 1; tmpid = this- thread_info[i].thread_id; this- thread_info[i].th_work = worker; this- thread_info[i].th_job = job; pthread_mutex_unlock( this- tp_lock); //send cond to work thread printf("tp_process_job: informing idle working thread %d, thread id is %d/n", i, this- thread_info[i].thread_id); pthread_cond_signal( this- thread_info[i].thread_cond); return; * member function reality. get real thread by thread id num. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * id: thread id num * return: * seq num in thread info struct array int tp_get_thread_by_id(tp_thread_pool *this, int id){ int i; for(i=0;i this- cur_th_num;i++){ if(id == this- thread_info[i].thread_id) return i; return -1; * member function reality. add new thread into the pool. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * return: * true: successful; false: failed static TPBOOL tp_add_thread(tp_thread_pool *this){ int err; tp_thread_info *new_thread; if( this- max_th_num = this- cur_th_num ) return FALSE; //malloc new thread info struct new_thread = this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num]; //init new threads cond mutex pthread_cond_init( new_thread- thread_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init( new_thread- thread_lock, NULL); //init status is busy new_thread- is_busy = TRUE; //add current thread number in the pool. this- cur_th_num++; err = pthread_create( new_thread- thread_id, NULL, tp_work_thread, this); if(0 != err){ free(new_thread); return FALSE; printf("tp_add_thread: creat work thread %d/n", this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num-1].thread_id); return TRUE; * member function reality. delete idle thread in the pool. * only delete last idle thread in the pool. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * return: * true: successful; false: failed static TPBOOL tp_delete_thread(tp_thread_pool *this){ //current thread num cant min thread num if(this- cur_th_num = this- min_th_num) return FALSE; //if last thread is busy, do nothing if(this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num-1].is_busy) return FALSE; //kill the idle thread and free info struct kill(this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num-1].thread_id, SIGKILL); pthread_mutex_destroy( this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num-1].thread_lock); pthread_cond_destroy( this- thread_info[this- cur_th_num-1].thread_cond); //after deleting idle thread, current thread num -1 this- cur_th_num--; return TRUE; * member function reality. get current thread pool status:idle, normal, busy, .etc. * para: * this: thread pool struct instance ponter * return: * 0: idle; 1: normal or busy(dont process) static int tp_get_tp_status(tp_thread_pool *this){ float busy_num = 0.0; int i; //get busy thread number for(i=0;i this- cur_th_num;i++){ if(this- thread_info[i].is_busy) busy_num++; //0.2? or other num? if(busy_num/(this- cur_th_num) BUSY_THRESHOLD) return 0;//idle status else return 1;//busy or normal status * internal interface. real work thread. * para: * pthread: thread pool struct ponter * return: static void *tp_work_thread(void *pthread){ pthread_t curid;//current thread id int nseq;//current thread seq in the this- thread_info array tp_thread_pool *this = (tp_thread_pool*)pthread;//main thread pool struct instance //get current thread id curid = pthread_self(); //get current threads seq in the thread info struct array. nseq = this- get_thread_by_id(this, curid); if(nseq 0) return; printf("entering working thread %d, thread id is %d/n", nseq, curid); //wait cond for processing real job. while( TRUE ){ pthread_mutex_lock( this- thread_info[nseq].thread_lock); pthread_cond_wait( this- thread_info[nseq].thread_cond, this- thread_info[nseq].thread_lock); pthread_mutex_unlock( this- thread_info[nseq].thread_lock); printf("%d thread do work!/n", pthread_self()); tp_work *work = this- thread_info[nseq].th_work; tp_work_desc *job = this- thread_info[nseq].th_job; //process work- process_job(work, job); //thread state be set idle after work pthread_mutex_lock( this- thread_info[nseq].thread_lock); this- thread_info[nseq].is_busy = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock( this- thread_info[nseq].thread_lock); printf("%d do work over/n", pthread_self()); * internal interface. manage thread pool to delete idle thread. * para: * pthread: thread pool struct ponter * return: static void *tp_manage_thread(void *pthread){ tp_thread_pool *this = (tp_thread_pool*)pthread;//main thread pool struct instance //1? sleep(MANAGE_INTERVAL); do{ if( this- get_tp_status(this) == 0 ){ do{ if( !this- delete_thread(this) ) break; }while(TRUE); }//end for if //1? sleep(MANAGE_INTERVAL); }while(TRUE); }

四. 数据库连接池介绍   


      一个数据库连接对象均对应一个物理数据库连接,每次操作都打开一个物理连接,使用完都关闭连接,这样造成系统的 性能低下。 数据库连接池的解决方案是在应用程序启动时建立足够的数据库连接,并讲这些连接组成一个连接池(简单说:在一个“池”里放了好多半成品的数据库联接对象),由应用程序动态地对池中的连接进行申请、使用和释放。对于多于连接池中连接数的并发请求,应该在请求队列中排队等待。并且应用程序可以根据池中连接的使用率,动态增加或减少池中的连接数。 


     1)  最小连接数是连接池一直保持的数据库连接,所以如果应用程序对数据库连接的使用量不大,将会有大量的数据库连接资源被浪费; 
     2)  最大连接数是连接池能申请的最大连接数,如果数据库连接请求超过此数,后面的数据库连接请求将被加入到等待队列中,这会影响之后的数据库操作。


1.  libthreadpool库的实现:

2.  IT虾米网

3.  《线程池技术在并发服务器中的应用》——计算机与数字工程

