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Creating User Accounts in MySQL Database.(mysqlcreateuser)

mysqlDatabase in user creating accounts
2023-06-13 09:11:24 时间

Creating user accounts in MySQL is an important step to implement security control on the database structure. Through creating user accounts, the administrator can manage the data in the database more effectively and efficiently.

First, to create user accounts in MySQL, user must have access to MySQL command line interface. If a user has no access to the command line interface, then the user must acquire a tool to access it, such as phpMyAdmin. With a tool, user can manage the database from a web browser or remotely.

After installed the necessary tools, the MySQL administrator will create new user accounts in MySQL for the user. The command for creating new user accounts can be done simply with a single line command, ‘create user’. The syntax for this command will include the username, password, type of user account and the set of the privileges that user has. The type of account can be specified with three words: ‘read only’ to restrict the user to read information only, ‘read-write’ to read and write some information in the database, and ‘manager rights’ to allow the user to manage the database. As for the privilege, user can grant privileges based on the user needs such as INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE according to the grant table when the new user account is being created.

Once the account has been created, user can now verify the username and password with ‘select’ command in MySQL. To login, use the ‘login’ statement followed by the username and password given when the MySQL user account is created. Then, the user can start to work.

Although the steps to create the user account in MySQL are easy to follow, it is important for the administrator to be aware of the security precaution. The administrator must grant the privileges based on the user needs, while minimizing the access rights to certain areas of the database. As security is important to keep the user accounts secure, administrator may need to use stronger passwords, which is hard to guess.

In conclusion, MySQL user account is important for the system security and data access permission. An administrator can easily create user account in MySQL by using the command line and assigning privileges to the new user. Moreover, security precaution must be taken such as strong passwords to ensure the security of the user account.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Creating User Accounts in MySQL Database.(mysqlcreateuser)