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Oracle 视图 V$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:18 时间



该视图可以帮助用户了解那些 GoldenGate事务成功处理,哪些传输失败,以及一些如发送/接收时间,传输大小,事务等的附加信息。

1. 打开Oracle数据库客户端,并连接到数据库;


V$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION displays information about transactions that are being processed by Oracle GoldenGate capture processes, outbound servers, and inbound servers.

This view can identify long running transactions and display how many LCRs are being processed in each transaction. This view only contains information about captured LCRs. It does not contain information about user-enqueued LCRs or user messages.

This view only shows information about LCRs that are being processed because they satisfied the rule sets for the component at the time of the query. For capture processes, this view only shows information about changes in transactions that the capture process has converted into LCRs. It does not show information about all the active transactions present in the redo log.

For outbound servers, this view only shows information about LCRs that the outbound server has dequeued. It does not show information about LCRs in the outbound server s queue. For outbound servers, information about a transaction remains in the view until the transaction is sent to the Oracle GoldenGate client application.

For inbound servers, information about a transaction remains in the view until the transaction commits or until the entire transaction is rolled back.

PROPAGATION_SENDER Propagation sender that sends LCRs from a capture process to an outbound server

Transaction ID undo segment number of the batch parent transaction.

When using BATCHSQL mode in Oracle GoldenGate Integrated Replicat the BATCH_XID columns identify the parent transaction of the batch the current transaction belongs to. The parent transaction is the first transaction of each batch.

This column is populated only if COMPONENT_TYPE is APPLY and BATCHSQL mode is enabled.

Transaction ID slot number of the batch parent transaction.

When using BATCHSQL mode in Oracle GoldenGate Integrated Replicat the BATCH_XID columns identify the parent transaction of the batch the current transaction belongs to. The parent transaction is the first transaction of each batch.

This column is populated only if COMPONENT_TYPE is APPLY and BATCHSQL mode is enabled.

Transaction ID sequence number of the batch parent transaction.

When using BATCHSQL mode in Oracle GoldenGate Integrated Replicat the BATCH_XID columns identify the parent transaction of the batch the current transaction belongs to. The parent transaction is the first transaction of each batch.

This column is populated only if COMPONENT_TYPE is APPLY and BATCHSQL mode is enabled.

Number of LCRs processed in the transaction. If a component is restarted while the transaction is being processed, then this column shows the number of LCRs processed in the transaction since the component was started.

Total number of LCRs processed in the transaction by an outbound server or inbound server. This column does not pertain to capture processes.

Time stamp of the first LCR processed in the transaction. If a capture process is restarted while the transaction is being processed, then this column shows the time stamp of the first LCR processed after the capture process was started.

SCN of the first message in the transaction. If a capture process is restarted while the transaction is being processed, then this column shows the SCN of the first message processed after the capture process was started.

Position of the first message seen by an XStream inbound server

This column is populated only for an apply process that is functioning as an Oracle GoldenGate inbound server.

Position of the last message seen by an Oracle GoldenGate inbound server

This column is populated only for an apply process that is functioning as an Oracle GoldenGate inbound server.

Transaction ID for an Oracle GoldenGate inbound server

This column is populated only for an apply process that is functioning as an Oracle GoldenGate inbound server.

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 V$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明