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Oracle 视图 DBA_HIST_SQLBIND 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方DBA 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明
2023-06-13 09:11:17 时间



1. 查询已执行的SQL语句及绑定变量的相关信息:可以使用SELECT SQL_ID,绑定变量名称,绑定变量值等内容查询已执行的SQL语句及其执行过程中绑定变量的相关信息。
2. 解决数据库问题:使用DBA_HIST_SQLBIND视图查询应用程序执行的SQL语句及绑定变量的值,从而可以对具体问题进行排查,从而解决应用程序运行中出现的数据库问题。


DBA_HIST_SQLBIND displays historical information on bind variables used by SQL cursors.

This view contains snapshots of V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.

If the binding is performed by name and the bind variable is duplicated, then this column gives the position of the primary bind variable.

Internal identifier for the bind data type. Beginning in Oracle Database 12c, a number representing a PL/SQL data type can appear in this column.

Textual representation of the bind data type. Beginning in Oracle Database 12c, a text representation of a PL/SQL-only data type can appear in this column. If the actual data type is a PL/SQL sub type, the name of the data type, not the sub type will be displayed.

Date when the bind value was captured. Bind values are captured when SQL statements are executed. To limit the overhead, binds are captured at most every 15 minutes for a given cursor.

Value of the bind represented using the self-descriptive Sys.AnyData data type. This representation is useful to programmatically decode the value of the bind variable. This column is NULL if a PL/SQL-only data type appears in the DATATYPE column.

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 DBA_HIST_SQLBIND 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明