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Oracle 视图 V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:18 时间

V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION 是Oracle 9i以给出的一个视图,用于检测RMAN备份引起的任何损坏。该视图会显示每个备份文件块中发现的所有已损坏数据文件块。



1. 使用V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION视图查询损坏的备份数据文件块:


2. 如果有损坏的备份数据文件块,可以用备份中的正常文件块来恢复,可以使用recover from scn功能来恢复:

recover from scn buffer ;

3. 如果使用recover from scn恢复失败,可以尝试使用recover database datafile 功能恢复文件:

recover database datafile ;


V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION displays information about corrupt block ranges in data file backups from the control file.

Note that corruptions are not tolerated in the control file and archived redo log backups.

Change number at which the logical corruption was detected. Set to 0 to indicate media corruption.

Indicates whether this corruption was not previously detected by the Oracle Database (YES) or the Oracle Database had already discovered this corrupt block and marked it as corrupt (NO). Note that when a corrupt block is encountered in a backup, and was not already marked corrupt by the Oracle Database, then the backup process does not mark the block as corrupt in the production data file. Thus, this field may be YES for the same block in more than one backup set.

ALL ZERO Block header on disk contained only zeros. The block may be valid if it was never filled and if it is in an Oracle7 file. The buffer will be reformatted to the Oracle8 standard for an empty block.

FRACTURED Block header looks reasonable, but the front and back of the block are different versions.

CHECKSUM optional check value shows that the block is not self-consistent. It is impossible to determine exactly why the check value fails, but it probably fails because sectors in the middle of the block are from different versions.

CORRUPT Block is wrongly identified or is not a data block (for example, the data block address is missing)

NOLOGGING Block does not have redo log entries (for example, NOLOGGING operations on primary database can introduce this type of corruption on a physical standby)

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明