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Oracle 视图 V$PARAMETER2 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:19 时间

Oracle视图V$PARAMETER2可以查看系统的所有参数,及参数的值、数据类型、服务级别、是否是只读参数等。通过V$PARAMETER2可以很方便的查看Oracle的参数的当前值并调整自身的数据库性能,只需要使用select * from v$parameter2即可查看当前的所有参数,如果需要查看特定的参数,只需要执行SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter2 WHERE name IN (xxx) 即可。

官方英文解释 V$PARAMETER2 displays information about the initialization parameters that are currently in effect for the session, with each list parameter value appearing as a row in the view. A new session inherits parameter values from the instance-wide values displayed in the V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 view.

Presenting the list parameter values in this format enables you to quickly determine the values for a list parameter. For example, if a parameter value is a, b, then the V$PARAMETER view does not tell you if the parameter has two values (both a and b) or one value (a, b). V$PARAMETER2 makes the distinction between the list parameter values clear.

Parameter value for the session (if modified within the session); otherwise, the instance-wide parameter value

Parameter value in a user-friendly format. For example, if the VALUE column shows the value 262144 for a big integer parameter, then the DISPLAY_VALUE column will show the value 256K.

Indicates whether the parameter is set to the default value (TRUE) or the parameter value was specified in the parameter file (FALSE)

Indicates whether the parameter can be changed with ALTER SESSION (TRUE) or not (FALSE)

Indicates whether the parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM and when the change takes effect:

IMMEDIATE Parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM regardless of the type of parameter file used to start the instance. The change takes effect immediately.

DEFERRED Parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM regardless of the type of parameter file used to start the instance. The change takes effect in subsequent sessions.

FALSE Parameter cannot be changed with ALTER SYSTEM unless a server parameter file was used to start the instance. The change takes effect in subsequent instances.

Indicates whether the parameter can be modified inside a PDB (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

In a non-CDB, the value of this column is NULL.

For parameters that can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM, indicates whether the value of the parameter can be different for every instance (TRUE) or whether the parameter must have the same value for all Real Application Clusters instances (FALSE). If the ISSYS_MODIFIABLE column is FALSE, then this column is always FALSE.

SYSTEM_MOD Parameter has been modified with ALTER SYSTEM (which causes all the currently logged in sessions values to be modified)

Indicates whether Oracle adjusted the input value to a more suitable value (for example, the parameter value should be prime, but the user input a non-prime number, so Oracle adjusted the value to the next prime number)

Position (ordinal number) of the parameter value. Useful only for parameters whose values are lists of strings.

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 V$PARAMETER2 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明