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Oracle 参数 REMOTE_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST 官方解释,作用,如何配置最优化建议

Oracle官方配置 如何 建议 作用 解释 参数
2023-06-13 09:11:20 时间

REMOTE_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST参数,用于指定远程数据库备份文件存放的位置。在ORACLE RAC (Real Application Clusters) 分布式数据库环境中,多台服务器提供存储服务,备份文件也需要分布存放在多台服务器上, REMOTE_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST参数就为ORACLE多实例结构提供了参数设置。


1. 首先,需要创建ORACLE多实例结构的远程实例,以及用于备份的普通磁盘备份路径;

2. 在普通磁盘备份路径下,创建一个名为bak_dest的子目录;

3. 登入普通磁盘备份,然后在每台服务器上执行以下命令:

Nid target=/

4. 在ORACLE多实例结构的环境下,以每个实例的身份登入SQL *Plus,设置REMOTE_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST参数:

Alter system set remote_recovery_file_dest= /bak_dest scope=both;

5. 最后,将每台服务器上的参数保存至数据库配置文件中,以便重启数据库的时候能读取新的配置:

Alter system set remote_recovery_file_dest= /bak_dest scope=spfile;


REMOTE_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST specifies a directory from which to read archive log files during a pluggable database (PDB) refresh operation if the source is not available.

The directory location where archive redo logs are accessible can be different on different instances, so this parameter can be set to different values on different instances.

For a PDB refresh copy to be in sync with its source, redo is accessed from the source PDB over a database link. Sometimes the source PDB or the CDB to which the source PDB belongs is not accessible when the refresh copy needs to be updated. In those cases, if this parameter is set, an attempt will be made to read archive log files from the directory specified by this parameter.