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Oracle 视图 ALL_IDENTIFIERS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:10 时间


1. IDENTIFIER:指定标识符的名称
2. MAPPED_NAME:此标识符在模块里声明的名称
3. TYPE:指定标识符的种类,如变量、函数、函数参数或者类属性等
4. BLOCK_ID:指明标识符定义在哪种代码块中
5. LINE_NUM:该标识符的定义所在的行号


1. 首先,应该使用Python函数inspect获取要查询的模块信息,包括函数声明、变量定义等。

2. 然后,可以使用Oracle视图ALL_IDENTIFIERS去查询定义在不同代码块里的标识符的详细信息,可以同时使用多个过滤条件。

3. 最后,根据需要获得的信息,可以使用SQL查询语句,根据查询的结果获取视图中相关的结果数据。


ALL_IDENTIFIERS displays information about the identifiers in the stored objects accessible to the current user.

Related Views

DBA_IDENTIFIERS displays information about the identifiers in all stored objects in the database.

USER_IDENTIFIERS displays information about the identifiers in the stored objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Contains the value of the character set clause when it is used in a variable identifier declaration. These are the possible values when the character set is derived from another variable identifier:

Column contains the attribute value when %attribute is used in a variable declaration. Possible values:

Contains the type of the length constraint when it is used in a string length constraint declaration. Possible values:

Contains the numeric length constraint value for a string length constraint declaration

Contains the numeric second precision value (for instance, interval types) used in a variable declaration

Contains the numeric lower range value used by a variable declaration with a range constraint

Contains the numeric upper range value used by a variable declaration with a range constraint

This column is set when a NULL constraint is used by a variable declaration. Possible values:

Is set to YES when an identifier is a SQL builtin used in a SQL statement issued from PL/SQL. Otherwise, this column is set to NO.

Indicates whether the identifier is an implicit identifier that does not appear in the source (YES) or not (NO)

n: This value is used for rows containing data that originate in the container with container ID n (n = 1 if the row originates in root)

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 ALL_IDENTIFIERS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明