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Oracle 视图 V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:18 时间

Oracle视图 V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS 是Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM)中的一个动态查看视图,用于查看ASM实例上存储在磁盘组上的ACFS 快照。

使用V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS视图可以查看ASM实例上存储在磁盘组上的ACFS 快照,其中包括快照的用户所有权、文件系统位置、快照状态和其他信息。


SELECT asm_acfs_handle FROM v$asm_acfssnapshots;


V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS displays snapshot information for every mounted Oracle ACFS.

Parent name used to create the snapshot. If the snapshot was created using the mount point as a base, parent name will be NULL. If the snapshot was created using an existing snapshot as the base, the parent name will be the name of the snapshot passed to the acfsutil snap create -p operation.

Indicates whether the snapshot is being used for replication (TRUE) or not (FALSE)

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

Oracle Automatic Storage
Management Administrator s Guide for more information about Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS)

Oracle Automatic Storage
Management Administrator s Guide for additional information about using views to display Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) and Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) information


To display information about Oracle ACFS file systems or volumes that are located on nodes in an Oracle Flex ASM configuration, you must connect to the Oracle ASM proxy instance instead of the local Oracle ASM instance. For information about Oracle Flex ASM, refer to Oracle Automatic Storage
Management Administrator s Guide.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明