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Oracle 参数 LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE 官方解释,作用,如何配置最优化建议

Oraclelog官方配置 如何 建议 作用 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:20 时间

LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE指定日志档案进程追踪(archive trace)的等级。使用这个参数可以生成日志档案进程的诊断信息,它的取值范围为0至16,比如:




LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE enables and controls the generation of comprehensive trace information for log archiving and redo transport activity.

The additional tracing that is output when setting LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE to a non-zero value can appear in trace files for an archive process, RFS process, LGWR process, SYNC process, ASYNC process, foreground process, MRP process, recovery process, log apply process, startup process, shutdown process, and other processes that use redo transport services.

Table 2-4 describes the valid LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE values.

Table 2-4 LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE Values

High-level tracing provides a small amount of tracing from most redo transport processes. When a value is specified that is not high-level (not 1), the high-level tracing for that value will be output to the trace file even if the high-level tracing has not been specifically requested. For example, if you set LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE to 128, you will get all the trace messages pertaining to the FAL engine, including the high-level tracing from the FAL engine.

This tracing level is for the various Data Guard configuration parameters, the various Data Guard related SQL commands, the various Data Guard table accesses, and some Data Guard internal interfaces.

This tracing level is for a number of common services provided by redo transport to various internal users (such as the RFS process, the LGWR process, and the ASYNC process). These include locking primitives, use of common VOS (Virtual Operating System) interfaces, task scheduling, process monitoring, control file access, and other miscellaneous common services.

You can combine tracing levels by adding together the values of the desired tracing levels. For example, a setting of 3 will generate level 1 and level 2 trace output. You can set different values for the primary and standby database.

When this parameter is set to the default value of 0, Oracle will still generate appropriate alert and trace entries in response to error conditions. If you change the value of this parameter dynamically in an ALTER SYSTEM statement, the change takes effect immediately.

Many of the trace messages from redo transport processes include a routine name at the beginning of the trace message. The first part of the routine name specifies the module for that routine. Table 2-5 shows the tracing value used for each redo transport module. Note that the tracing value for transport modules can change from release to release.

Table 2-5 Tracing Values Used for Redo Transport Modules

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 参数 LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE 官方解释,作用,如何配置最优化建议