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Oracle 视图 DBA_TABLESPACES 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方DBA 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明
2023-06-13 09:11:14 时间

Oracle视图DBA_TABLESPACES用于查询数据库中表空间的属性信息,可以使 DBA 更便捷地查询表空间的信息和状态,用于计划数据库的表空间的管理、布局和容量扩展。其中包括对表空间的创建、状态以及大小等信息,其中,表空间的状态包含:ONLINE,内存中的表空间;OFFLINE,外存中的表空间。


在 Oracle 数据库中,可以通过查询 DBA_TABLESPACES 视图来查看表空间的属性信息,格式如下:

WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = your_tablespace




DBA_TABLESPACES describes all tablespaces in the database.

Related View

USER_TABLESPACES describes the tablespaces accessible to the current user. This view does not display the PLUGGED_IN column.

Indicates whether the extents in the tablespace are dictionary managed (DICTIONARY) or locally managed (LOCAL)

Indicates whether the free and used segment space in the tablespace is managed using free lists (MANUAL) or bitmaps (AUTO)

Indicates whether default table compression is enabled (ENABLED) or not (DISABLED)

Note: Enabling default table compression indicates that all tables in the tablespace will be created with table compression enabled unless otherwise specified.

GUARANTEE Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as GUARANTEE

A RETENTION value of GUARANTEE indicates that unexpired undo in all undo segments in the undo tablespace should be retained even if it means that forward going operations that need to generate undo in those segments fail.

NOGUARANTEE Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as NOGUARANTEE

Indicates whether the tablespace is a bigfile tablespace (YES) or a smallfile tablespace (NO)

Indicates whether predicates are evaluated by host (HOST) or by storage (STORAGE)

The QUERY LOW, QUERY HIGH, ARCHIVE LOW, and ARCHIVE HIGH values are associated with Hybrid Columnar Compression, a feature of the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database that is dependent on the underlying storage system. See Oracle Database
Concepts for more information.

Indicates whether the In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) is by default enabled (ENABLED) or disabled (DISABLED) for tables in this tablespace

Indicates the default priority for In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) population for this tablespace. Possible values:

Indicates how the IM column store is distributed by default for this tablespace in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RACE) environment:

Indicates the default compression level for the IM column store for this tablespace:

Indicates the duplicate setting for the IM column store in an Oracle RAC environment:

Indicates whether default index compression is enabled (ENABLED) or not (DISABLED)

Note: Enabling default index compression indicates that all indexes in the tablespace will be created with index compression enabled unless otherwise specified.

This specifies the default value for the CELLMEMORY attribute that tables created in the tablespace will inherit unless the behavior is overridden explicitly

This column is intended for use with Oracle Exadata.

Indicates how the IM column store is populated on various instances by default for this tablespace. The possible values are:

DEFAULT: Data is populated on all instances specified with the PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP initialization parameter. If that parameter is not set, then the data is populated on all instances. This is the default.

ALL: Data is populated on all instances, regardless of the value of the PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP initialization parameter.

USER_DEFINED: Data is populated only on the instances on which the user-specified service is active. The service name corresponding to this is stored in the DEF_INMEMORY_SERVICE_NAME column.

Indicates the service name for the service on which the IM column store should be populated by default for this tablespace. This column has a value only when the corresponding DEF_INMEMORY_SERVICE is USER_DEFINED. In all other cases, this column is null.

SUSPEND: Indicates that lost write data is not currently being collected, but it can be enabled at a later date. The lost write data collected when the file was ENABLED remains in the lost write database, but it is not being checked or updated.

If lost write protection is enabled for a tablespace, it is enabled for all data files for that tablespace, including data files added later.

If lost write protection is enabled for a single data file, it does not have to be enabled for another data file in the same tablespace.

You can check the lost write protection status for a data file by querying the LOST_WRITE_PROTECT column in the DBA_DATA_FILES view.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 DBA_TABLESPACES 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明