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Oracle 视图 ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明 解释
2023-06-13 09:11:09 时间

Oracle 视图 ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS 用于显示 Data Guard 环境中已注册的 DML 应用程序处理程序。这种应用程序处理程序允许在由保护程序执行的 Data Guard 复制中检测到数据更改并编写响应程序。

可以使用 ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS 视图中列出的信息来检索已注册的应用程序处理程序,以及处理程序的行为。要查询该视图,可以使用以下句子:

SELECT * FROM all_apply_dml_handlers;


ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS displays information about the DML handlers on the tables accessible to the current user.

Related View

DBA_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS displays information about the DML handlers on all tables in the database.

Name of the user-specified DML handler, which handles row logical change records that contain the DML operation in the OPERATION_NAME column on the object

Indicates whether the DML handler handles only the relevant row logical change records that result in apply errors (Y) or all relevant row logical change records (N)

Database link to which changes are applied. If null, then changes are applied to the local database.

Indicates whether LOB assembly is used for LOB columns in logical change records (LCRs) processed by the handler (Y) or not (N)

LOB assembly combines multiple LCRs for a LOB column resulting from a single row change into one row LCR before passing the LCR to the handler.

Oracle Database XStream
Guide for more information about DML handlers in an Oracle XStream environment

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明