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Hibernate OGM v5.1.0.CR1 发布,NoSQL的持久层框架详解大数据

hibernatenosql框架数据 详解 发布 持久 v5.1
2023-06-13 09:20:26 时间

Hibernate OGM v5.1.0.CR1 发布,NoSQL的持久层框架详解大数据


     OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,意思是对象 数据网格映射,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库。通过使用Hibernate OGM, 我们可以把现有的, 基于JPA/Hibernate ORM的项目不加改动的从RMDBS切换到NO-SQL之上。

 OGM-1238 mongodb          Collection of elements in MongoDB should be returned in the same order of the DB  OGM-1221 neo4j                @OneToOne and @ManyToOne / @OneToOne relationships cause exception with InheritanceType#SINGLE_TABLE while persisting  OGM-913 mongodb, neo4j  Element collection queries not working for collections of primitive types  OGM-1251 query                Update HQL parser to version 1.4.0.Final   OGM-1245 build                Upgrade HQL Parser to version 1.4.0.Beta1  OGM-1244 build, core        Upgrade to Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Final  OGM-1241 mongodb        Update mongo driver to version 3.4.2  OGM-1236 core                Collections of elements should be stored and returned in the same order with MongoDB  OGM-1234 build                Travis Get the Neo4j version from the pom file  OGM-1067                          CollectionHelper.newHashMap(int) is counter productive  OGM-1024 mongodb          Support .aggregate() using MongoDB CLI syntax    OGM-1248 documentation  Switch to Asciidoctor output for the documentation  OGM-1243 build, infinispan Infinispan Remote test should start a full Infinispan Server as separate container  OGM-1228 build                  Upgrade to Hibernate Search 5.5.6.Final Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz)


