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centos7安装教程数据 详解 ganglia
2023-06-13 09:20:27 时间


# Gmetad-webfrontend version. Used to check for updates. 

$conf[gweb_root] = "/var/www/html/ganglia"; 

$conf[gweb_confdir] = "/var/www/html/ganglia"; 

include_once $conf[gweb_root] . "/version.php"; 

# readonly: No authentication is required. All users may view all resources. No edits are allowed. 

# enabled: Guest users may view public clusters. Login is required to make changes. 

# An administrator must configure an authentication scheme and ACL rules. 

# disabled: Guest users may perform any actions, including edits. No authentication is required. 

$conf[auth_system] = readonly; 

# The name of the directory in "./templates" which contains the 

# templates that you want to use. Templates are like a skin for the 

# site that can alter its look and feel. 

$conf[template_name] = "default"; 

# If you installed gmetad in a directory other than the default 

# make sure you change it here. 

# Where gmetad stores the rrd archives. 

$conf[gmetad_root] = "/var/lib/ganglia"; 

$conf[rrds] = "${conf[gmetad_root]}/rrds"; 

# Where Dwoo (PHP templating engine) store compiled templates 

$conf[dwoo_compiled_dir] = "${conf[gweb_confdir]}/dwoo/compiled"; 

$conf[dwoo_cache_dir] = "${conf[gweb_confdir]}/dwoo/cache"; 

# Where to store web-based configuration 

$conf[views_dir] = $conf[gweb_confdir] . /conf; 

$conf[conf_dir] = $conf[gweb_confdir] . /conf; 

问题及解决方式 编译rrdtool 错误
/.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference [email protected]_2.4.30’
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference [email protected]_2.4.30’
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference [email protected]_2.4.30’
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference [email protected]_2.4.30’
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference [email protected]_2.6.17’
./.libs/librrd.so: undefined reference to [email protected]_2.4.30’

ganglia编译必须依赖rrdtool,而rrdtool安装不同机器可能出现莫名的安装错误,此时如果机器可以连接网络可以使用 yum -y install rrdtool 方式安装,但此时安装后,编译ganglia时仍然无法找到rrdtool相应的库,此时可以采用如下方法,使ganglia编译安装成功:

下载rrdtool-1.4.8.tar.gz ,解压后,将rrdtool-1.4.8/src/.libs 中相应库拷贝到如下目录:


cp /home/hadoop/rrdtool-1.4.8/src/.libs/.so /usr/local/lib/

cp /home/hadoop/rrdtool-1.4.8/src/.libs/*.a /usr/local/lib/

cp /home/hadoop/rrdtool-1.4.8/src/.libs/*.la /usr/local/lib/

cp /home/hadoop/rrdtool-1.4.8/src/rrd*.h /usr/local/include


