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Python 自动备份SVN版本库并复制到远程主机脚本详解编程语言

Python备份自动编程语言 详解 远程 版本 脚本
2023-06-13 09:20:24 时间
now = datetime.datetime.now() filename = now.strftime(basedir+iplist[0] +name[-1]+ _%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.dump) os.system(svnadmin dump + filelist + +filename ) tarname = now.strftime(basedir+iplist[0]+_SVNDump_ +name[-1]+ _%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.tar.gz) #print tarname tar = tarfile.open(tarname, w|gz) tar.add(filename) tar.close()
scp = pexpect.spawn(scp -r + tarname + [email protected]:/data/databak/FilesBack/) scp.expect(.ssword:*) scp.sendline(密码) scp.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=None)
for i in os.listdir(basedir): file = re.search(r/w*[_](/d{8})[_]/d{6}.(tar.gz|dump), i) #print i, file if file and olddate =file.group(1): os.remove(basedir + file.group(0)) print del:, file.group(0) filelog=open("/data/bak/bak.log", "a") filelog.write("============DATE:%s============= /n"% now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) filelog.write("del file:%s /n" % (basedir+file.group(0) )) filelog.write("============DATE:%s============= /n"% now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) filelog.close() def copy_files(txt_file): geted_list = get_list(txt_file) for file in geted_list: copy_svn(file) if __name__ == __main__: copy_files(/data/bak/filebak.txt) print =*20,/ncopy_OKOKOK/n,=*20 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import tarfile import datetime import pexpect basedir=/data/bak/ #文件夹 iplist=[]# IP地址 def get_list(txt_file): ret_list = [] fin = open(txt_file,r) for line in fin: if (re.match(^//s*$,line)): #跳过是空白的行 continue else: line = line.lstrip() line = line.rstrip() #将回车(/n)去掉 ret_list.append(line) #print(debug info of get_list :/n,ret_list) return ret_list def copy_svn(filelist): #这个函数主要是完成dump name= [] name=os.path.split(filelist) now = datetime.datetime.now() filename = now.strftime(basedir+iplist[0] +name[-1]+ _%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.dump) os.system(svnadmin dump + filelist + +filename ) tarname = now.strftime(basedir+iplist[0]+_SVNDump_ +name[-1]+ _%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.tar.gz) #print tarname tar = tarfile.open(tarname, w|gz) tar.add(filename) tar.close()
scp = pexpect.spawn(scp -r + tarname + [email protected]:/data/databak/FilesBack/) scp.expect(.ssword:*) scp.sendline(密码) scp.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=None)
for i in os.listdir(basedir): file = re.search(r/w*[_](/d{8})[_]/d{6}.(tar.gz|dump), i) #print i, file if file and olddate =file.group(1): os.remove(basedir + file.group(0)) print del:, file.group(0) filelog=open("/data/bak/bak.log", "a") filelog.write("============DATE:%s============= /n"% now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) filelog.write("del file:%s /n" % (basedir+file.group(0) )) filelog.write("============DATE:%s============= /n"% now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) filelog.close() def copy_files(txt_file): geted_list = get_list(txt_file) for file in geted_list: copy_svn(file) if __name__ == __main__: copy_files(/data/bak/filebak.txt) print =*20,/ncopy_OKOKOK/n,=*20

