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CPU程序员 详解 使用率 计算方法
2023-06-13 09:20:05 时间






user          从系统启动到现在,CPU处于用户态的运行时间。不包含nice值为负的进程。

nice          从系统启动到现在,CPUnice为负值的进程占用的cpu时间

system        从系统启动到现在,CPU处于内核态的运行时间

idle          从系统启动到现在,CPU除了 iowait外的等待时间

iowait        从系统启动到现在,CPUio 等待时间

irq           从系统启动到现在,CPU硬中断花费的时间

softirq       从系统启动到现在,CPU软中断花费的时间

steal         从系统启动到现在,CPU运行其他虚拟环境中的操作系统花费的时间

guest         从系统启动到现在,CPU运行在通过Linux内核控制的客户操作系统上的虚拟cpu的时间

guest_nice    从系统启动到现在,CPU运行在通过Linux内核控制的客户操作系统上的虚拟cpu的时间, nice 为负值进程


CPU在t1和t2时间内总的使用时间:( user2+ nice2+ system2+ idle2+ iowait2+ irq2+ softirq2 + steal2 + guest2 + guest_nice2 ) ( user1+ nice1+ system1+ idle1+ iowait1+ irq1+ softirq1 + steal1 + guest1 + guest_nice1)

CPU的空闲时间:(idle2 -idle1)



    CPU(t1,t2)使用率:1-(idle2-idle1)/(( user2+ nice2+ system2+ idle2+ iowait2+ irq2+ softirq2 + steal2 + guest2 + guest_nice2 ) ( user1+ nice1+ system1+ idle1+ iowait1+ irq1+ softirq1 + steal1 + guest1 + guest_nice1))


def cpu_percent(interval=None, percpu=False): 

 """Return a float representing the current system-wide utilization as a percentage. 


When interval is 0.0 compares system CPU times elapsed before and after the interval (blocking). 当interval大于0.0时,返回的是在这段时间内CUP的使用率
When interval is 0.0 or None compares system CPU times elapsed since last call or module import, returning immediately (non blocking). That means the first time this is called it will return a meaningless 0.0 value which you should ignore. In this case is recommended for accuracy that this function be called with at least 0.1 seconds between calls.
当interval是0.0或者是None时,系统在调用此模块后,还没来得及运行就立即返回了,返回的是没有任何意义的0,你应该忽略调这个值,为避免这种情况,为了准确,调用这个模块时间至少为0.1秒 When percpu is True returns a list of floats representing the utilization as a percentage for each CPU. First element of the list refers to first CPU, second element to second CPU and so on. The order of the list is consistent across calls.
""" global _last_cpu_times #全局变量,用于表示上一个时间点cpu的各项参数,用于和下一个时间点cpu各项参数进行计算 global _last_per_cpu_times #全局变量,用于表示上一个时间点,各个cpu在上一个时间点的各项cpu参数,作用同上
blocking = interval is not None and interval 0.0 #判断interval的值,如果interval 不为空且大余0.0,则blocking值为真,否则为假
def calculate(t1, t2): #计算CPU使用率 t1_all = sum(t1) #计算t1时间,cpu的使用时间,为各项参数的和 t1_busy = t1_all - t1.idle #计算cpu的非空闲时间
t2_all = sum(t2) #计算t1时间,cpu的使用时间,为各项参数的和 t2_busy = t2_all - t2.idle #计算cpu的非空闲时间
# this usually indicates a float precision issue if t2_busy = t1_busy: #如果t2时刻的非空闲时间小余t1时刻的,则直接返回0.0 return 0.0
busy_delta = t2_busy - t1_busy #计算t1-t2时间段内CPU总的非空闲时间 all_delta = t2_all - t1_all #计算t1-t2时间段内CPU总的使用时间 busy_perc = (busy_delta / all_delta) * 100 #计算t1-t2时间段内CPU总的使用率 return round(busy_perc, 1) #保留一位小数后返回
t1 = _last_cpu_times #如果不满足interval 不为空且大余0.0 if t1 is None: #当interval为None # Something bad happened at import time. Well # get a meaningful result on the next call. See: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/715 t1 = cpu_times()
#当interval为None,_last_cpu_times与t1几乎是在同一时刻计算的,值几乎相同,因此将返回0.0 _last_cpu_times = cpu_times() return calculate(t1, _last_cpu_times) # per-cpu usage else: ret = [] if blocking: tot1 = cpu_times(percpu=True) time.sleep(interval) else: tot1 = _last_per_cpu_times if tot1 is None: # Something bad happened at import time. Well # get a meaningful result on the next call. See: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/715 tot1 = cpu_times(percpu=True) _last_per_cpu_times = cpu_times(percpu=True) for t1, t2 in zip(tot1, _last_per_cpu_times): ret.append(calculate(t1, t2)) #循环计算各个CPU的使用率 return ret
# Use separate global vars for cpu_times_percent() so that its # independent from cpu_percent() and they can both be used within # the same program. _last_cpu_times_2 = _last_cpu_times _last_per_cpu_times_2 = _last_per_cpu_times

