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MySQL Error number: 4153; Symbol: ER_LOAD_BULK_DATA_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理

mysql 故障 处理 远程 报错 修复 Error ER
2023-06-13 09:19:21 时间
MySQL Error number: 4153; Symbol: ER_LOAD_BULK_DATA_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理


Message: Incorrect %s value: %s for column %s at row %ld in file %s

Error 4153 (ER_LOAD_BULK_DATA_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD) is a MySQL error associated with Bulk Data Loading. It occurs when an incorrect value is passed into a field during Bulk Data Loading.

Error 4153 is a MySQL error related to theLOAD DATAINFILEstatement, which is used to load a data file into a table. TheERROR 4153message only occurs when incorrect values are inserted into a column via theINFILEcommand. This error can occur when the data type of the column does not match the value provided for the column.

Error 4153 is an error code that appears when an incorrect value is passed into a field during bulk loading. Usually, this error occurs when a data type does not match the value it is passed. For example, if an integer is passed into a field that requires a string, or if a string is passed into a field that requires an integer.

A common example of an Error 4153 is when an integer is passed into a field in theDATA FILEthat requires a string. This can happen when the user is trying to bulk load an spreadsheet with a bunch of numerical values into a field that requires strings.

The correct way to resolve this issue is to ensure that the data type of the field being loaded matches the data type that is expected. The user should also ensure that values in theDATA FILEmatch the data type of the intended field.

The user can also use theSTRIP OFFoption if they need to remove surrounding whitespace from the data being loaded. This can help ensure that all the data types are recognized correctly by MySQL.

Finally, if the issue persists, the user should check the table structure to ensure that the columns and the data types match. It is also advisable to back up the table before attempting further data loading.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 MySQL Error number: 4153; Symbol: ER_LOAD_BULK_DATA_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理