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数据库 操作 查询 实践 实验 演练
2023-06-13 09:19:43 时间

在实验一创建并插入数据的表(Student, Course,SC,Teacher,TC)的基础上,完成以下操作。
(1)将教师‘罗莉 的名字改为‘罗莉莉 。

update Teacher set tname= 罗莉莉 where tname= 罗莉 (2)将两个同学(数据自己临时设置,用后即删除)的两门课程的成绩以运行sql程序文件的形式插入score表中。该题用以验证、理解和掌握关系模型的完整性规则;

insert into Score(sno,cno,grade) values ( 04261006 , C003 , 64 )
insert into Score(sno,cno,grade) values( 04261007 , C004 , 79 ) 查询:

select sno 学号,cno 课程号,grade 分数from Score where sno=04261006 or sno=04261007; 删除:

delete from Score where sno=04261006 or sno=04261007; (3)求每门课的平均成绩,并把结果存入average表(自行设计并创建);

cno CHAR(8),
avscore numeric(5,2),
constraint a1 primary key (cno),
constraint a2 foreign key (cno) references Course(cno),
insert into average(cno,avscore)
select distinct cno ,avg(grade) from Score group by cno (4)将学生“马丽”的年龄改为24;

Update Student set 2014-year(Sbirth) 年龄 where Sname= 马丽 (5)将所有学生的szipcode属性列值填补上;

update Student set szipcode= 221000 (6)将average表中的所有课程的平均成绩置零;

update average set avscore= 0 (7)删除average表中的课程号为‘C007 的平均成绩记录;

delete from average where cno= C007 (8)删除所有average表中平均成绩记录;

delete from average; (9)建立一个临时学生信息表(tstudent),删除该表中的学号含‘101 的所有学生记录。

create  table  tstudent  ( Sno  char(8)  primary  key,  Sname  varchar(8)  unique ); 
Delete  from  tstudent  where  Sno  like 001011% (10)查询全体学生的学号与姓名;

select sno 学号,sname 姓名from Student (11)查询全体学生的学号、姓名、所属系;

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,sdept 系from Student (12)查询全体学生的详细记录;

select * from Student (13)查询全体学生的姓名及其年龄;

select sname 姓名,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student (14)查询全体学生的姓名、出生年份;

select sname 姓名,year(sbirth) 出生年份from Student (15)查询所有修过课的学生的学号;

select distinct sno from Score
select distinct student.sno from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and Score.grade (16)查询“计算机系”班全体学生名单;

select sno,sname from Student where sdept= 计算机系 (17)查询查询所有年龄在23岁以下的学生姓名及其年龄;

select sname 姓名,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where 2014-year(sbirth) (18)查询考试成绩有不及格的学生的学号;

select distinct sno from Score where grade (19)查询年龄在20至22岁之间的学生姓名、系和年龄;

select sname 姓名,sdept 系,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from student where 2014-year(sbirth) between 20 and 22; (20)查询年龄不在20至22岁之间的学生姓名、系和年龄;

select sname 姓名,sdept 系,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from student where 2014-year(sbirth) not between 20 and 22; (21)查询“计算机系”和“电商系”的学生的姓名;

select sname from Student where sdept= 计算机系 or s > (22)查询既不是“计11”也不是“计61”班的学生的姓名和班级信息;

select sname,sclass from Student where sclass not in( 计 , 计 );
[code]select student.sno,sname,ssex,2014-year(sbirth),sclass,grade from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and Student.sno= 04262002 (24)查询学号以“04262”打头的学生信息;

select * from Student where sno like 04262% (25)查询所有姓“张”学生的学号、姓名、性别、年龄;

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,ssex 性别,2011-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where sname like 王% (26)查询名字中第二个字有“海”字的学生的学号、姓名、性别、年龄;

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,ssex 性别,2011-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where sname like _田% (27)查询所有不姓“刘”学生的姓名;

select sname 姓名from Student where sname not like 刘% (28)查询课程号以“C”开头的最后两个字母为“05”的课程号和课程名;

select cno,cname from Course where cno like C%05 (29)某些学生选修某门课程后没有参加考试,所以有选修课记录,但没有考试成绩,试查找缺少考试成绩的学生和相应的课程号;

select Student.sno,sname,cno from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and grade is NULL; (30)查找全部有成绩记录的学生学号、课程号;

select sno, cno from Score where grade is not NULL; (31)查找“计算机系”年龄在22岁以下的学生学号、姓名;

select sno ,sname from Student where sdept= 计算机系 and 2014-year(sbirth) 22 (32)查找选修了“C001”号课程的学生学号及其成绩,查询结果按分数降序排序;

select student.sno,grade from student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C001 order by grade desc; (33)查询全体学生情况,查询结果按所在系升序排列,对同一系中的学生按年龄降序排列;

select * from student order by sdept asc,2014-year(sbirth) desc; (34)查询学生总人数;

select count(*) 人数from Student; (35)查询选修了课程的学生人数;

select count(distinct sno)人数from Score; (36)在所有课程中查询最高分的学生学号和成绩;

select sno,grade from Score where grade =(select max(grade)from Score )

select distinct a.* from Score a where a.sno IN (select top 1 Score.sno from Score where Score.cno = a.cno order by grade desc) (37)查询学习“C001”课程的学生最高分数;

select max(grade)最高分数from Score where cno= C001 (38)计算各个课程号与相应的选课人数;

select count(sno) 选课人数from Score group by cno; (39)查询“计算机系”选修了两门课程以上的学生学号、姓名;

select Student.sno,sname from Student where Student.sno in
(select Student.sno from Student,Score where
sdept= 计算机系 and Student.sno=Score.sno group by Student.sno having count(cno) (40)自然连接student和score表;

select student.*,Score.grade from student ,Score where student.sno=Score.sno; (41)使用自身连接查询每一门课程的间接先行课(即先行课的先行课)

select a.cno,b.cpno from Course a,Course b where a.cpno=b.cno; (42)使用复合条件连接查询选修“c001”号课程且成绩在90分以上的所有同学;

select sname,grade from student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C001 and grade (43)使用复合条件连接查询每个学生选修的课程名及其成绩;

select Student.sno,sname,cname,grade from Course,Score,Student where Course.cno=Score.cno and student.sno=Score.sno; (44)查询选修了全部课程的学生;

select Sname from Student where not exists (select *  from Course where not exists(select *  from Score where Sno=Student.Sno and Cno=Course.Cno)) (45)查询所有选修了C001号课程的学生学号、姓名;

select student.sno,sname from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C001
[code]select student.sno,sname,cno from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno in ( C001 , C007 );


select sno ,sname,2014-year(sbirth) age ,sclass from student where sdept= 计算机系 or 2014-year(sbirth) (48)查询既选修了课程C001又选修了课程C007的所有学生学号、姓名;

select student.sno,sname from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C001 and student.sno in (select student.sno from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C007 ) (49)查询选修了课程名为“数据库原理”的学生的学号、姓名、性别、年龄;

select student.sno ,sname,ssex,cname,2011-year(sbirth) age from student,Score,Course where student.sno=Score.sno and Score.cno=Course.cno and cname= 数据库原理 (50)查询其他班中比“计算机系”所有学生年龄都小的学生名单;

select sno,sname ,2014-year(sbirth) age from student where 2014-year(sbirth) (select min(2014-year(sbirth)) from student where s > (51)查询与“夏天”在同一个系学习的学生学号、姓名、性别、年龄;

select sno,sname,ssex,2014-year(sbirth) age from student where sdept=(select sdept from student where sname= 夏天 ) and sname!= 夏天 (52)建立“计算机系”学生的视图1;

create view view_student
as select sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from student where s > (53)建立“计算机系”学生的视图2,并要求进行修改与插入时,仍须保证该视图只有“计算机系”班学生;

create view view_student2
as select sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from student where s > (54)建立“计算机系”选修了“C001”课程的学生的视图,定义视图名为“v_cs_C001_student1”;

create view v_cs_C001_student1
as select student.sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from Student ,Score where
student.sno=Score.sno and s > (55)建立“计算机系”班选修了“C001”课程且成绩在90分以上的学生的视图,定义视图名为“cs_c001_student2”;

create view cs_c001_student2
select student.sno,sname ,ssex,sbirth,sclass,cno from student,Score where
student.sno=Score.sno and cno= C001 and s > (56)定义一个反映学生年龄的视图,定义视图名为“v_birth_student”;

create view v_birth_student
select sno,sname,2014-year(sbirth) age from student (57)将学生表中所有女生记录定义为一个视图,视图名为“v_female_student”;

create view v_female_student
select * from student where ssex= 女 (58)将学生的学号及其平均成绩定义为一个视图,视图名为“v_average_student”;

create view v_average_student
select sno,avg(grade) avscore from Score group by sno; (59)在“计算机系”学生视图中找出年龄小于22岁的学生;

select * from view_student where 2014-year(sbirth) (60)利用视图查询“计算机系”选修了“C001”课程的学生;

select * from v_cs_C001_student1; (61)通过(52)中的“计算机系”视图修改某个学生的名字;

update view_student set sname= 王某某 where sno=04261001; (62)通过(53)中的“计算机系”视图,插入一个新学生记录。

insert into view_student2(sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass) values ( 04262004 , 张某某 , 男 , 1987/11/09 , 计 ); (63)通过(53)中的“计算机系”视图,删除一个学生记录。

delete from view_student2 where sno= 04262004 and sname= 张某某


服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 数据库表的查询操作实践演练(实验三)