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寻找 出路 迷宫 遗传算法
2023-06-13 09:18:42 时间
来源:Deephub Imba本文约4800字,建议阅读10分钟本文中我们将使用遗传算法在迷宫中找到最短路径。





本文的的路径规划基于论文Autonomous Robot Navigation Using Genetic Algorithm with an Efficient Genotype Structure。





在由 N 列建模的导航环境中,路径可以由具有 N 个基因的基因型表示。 每个基因都是一个代表检查点坐标的元组。


在列式结构中,我们假设每个基因都只放在一列中,例如,取一条大小为 8 的染色体,[(1,1), (4,2), (4,3), (6,4), (2,5), (3,6), (7,7), (8,8)]。 它会像这样放置:



先排成一行移动 或  先排成一列移动

行移动:先在一行中移动,然后在列中移动。 如果我们从前面的例子中获取染色体,我们得到的路径是:

列移动:类似的,先在一列中移动,然后在一行中移动。 我们得到的路径是:

虽然这种基因型结构很好,但它不能为某些迷宫产生路径。 所以这种结构假定每个路径段都以连续的列结束。





 from random import randint, random, choice from pyamaze import maze, agent from copy import deepcopy, copy import csv



 #initialize constants POPULATIONSIZE = 120 ROWS, COLS = 16,8
 #Set the mutation rate  MUTATION_RATE = 100
 # start and end points of the maze START, END = 1, COLS
 #weights of path length, infeasible steps and number of turns wl, ws, wt = 2, 3, 2
 #file name for storing fitness parameters file_name = 'data.csv'
 #initilize a maze object and create a maze  m = maze(ROWS, COLS) m.CreateMaze(loopPercent=100) maps = m.maze_map



 def popFiller(pop, direction):     """    Takes in population and direction lists and fills them with random values within the range.    """     for i in range(POPULATIONSIZE):         # Generate a random path and add it to the population list         pop.append([(randint(1, ROWS), j) for j in range(1, COLS + 1)])         # Set the start and end points of the path         pop[i][0] = (START, START)         pop[i][-1] = (ROWS, END)         # Generate a random direction and add it to the direction list         direction.append(choice(["r", "c"]))     return pop, direction


这一步使用了两个函数:inter_steps函数以两个坐标作为元组,例如(x, y)和方向信息来生成这些点之间的中间步数。path函数使用inter_steps函数通过循环每个个体的基因来生成它的路径。

 def inter_steps(point1, point2, direction):     """    Takes in two points and the direction of the path between them and returns the intermediate steps between them.    """     steps = []     if direction == "c": # column first         if point1[0] < point2[0]:               steps.extend([(i, point1[1]) for i in range(point1[0] + 1, point2[0] + 1)])         elif point1[0] > point2[0]:             steps.extend([(i, point1[1]) for i in range(point1[0] - 1, point2[0] - 1, -1)])         steps.append(point2)     elif direction == "r": # row first         if point1[0] < point2[0]:               steps.extend([(i, point1[1] + 1) for i in range(point1[0], point2[0] + 1)])         elif point1[0] > point2[0]:             steps.extend([(i, point1[1] + 1) for i in range(point1[0], point2[0] - 1, -1)])         else:             steps.append(point2)     return steps
 def path(individual, direction):     """    Takes in the population list and the direction list and returns the complete path using the inter_steps function.    """     complete_path = [individual[0]]     for i in range(len(individual) - 1):         # Get the intermediate steps between the current and the next point in the population         complete_path.extend(inter_steps(individual[i], individual[i + 1], direction))     return complete_path


这个步骤使用两个函数来计算个体的适应度:pathParameters函数计算个体转弯次数和不可行步数,fitCal函数利用这些信息计算每个个体的适应度。 适应度计算的公式如下:


wf, wl, wt是定义参数权重的常数,分别是不可行的步数,路径长度和转弯次数。这些常量之前已经初始化。


 def pathParameters(individual, complete_path, map_data):     """    Takes in an individual, it's complete path and the map data    and returns the number of turns and the number of infeasible steps.    """     # Count the number of turns in the individual's path     turns = sum(         1         for i in range(len(individual) - 1)         if individual[i][0] != individual[i + 1][0]    )     # Count the number of Infeasible steps in the individual's path     infeas = sum(         any(            (                 map_data[complete_path[i]]["E"] == 0 and complete_path[i][1] == complete_path[i+ 1][1] - 1,                 map_data[complete_path[i]]["W"] == 0 and complete_path[i][1] == complete_path[i+ 1][1] + 1,                 map_data[complete_path[i]]["S"] == 0 and complete_path[i][0] == complete_path[i+ 1][0] - 1,                 map_data[complete_path[i]]["N"] == 0 and complete_path[i][0] == complete_path[i+ 1][0] + 1,            )        )         for i in range(len(complete_path) - 1)    )     return turns, infeas

 def fitCal(population, direction, solutions,createCSV = True):     """    Takes in the population list and the direction list and    returns the fitness list of the population and the solution found(infeasible steps equal to zero).    Args:    - population (list): a list of individuals in the population    - direction (list): a list of the direction for each individual    - solutions (list): a list of the solutions found so far    - createCSV (bool): a flag indicating whether to create a CSV file or not (default: True)    """     # Initialize empty lists for turns, infeasible steps, and path length     turns = []     infeas_steps = []     length = []
     # A function for calculating the normalized fitness value     def calc(curr, maxi, mini):         if maxi == mini:             return 0         else:             return 1 - ((curr - mini) / (maxi - mini))
     # Iterate over each individual in the population     for i, individual in enumerate(population):         # Generate the complete path of individual          p = path(individual, direction[i])          # Calculate the number of turns and infeasible steps in the individual's path         t, s = pathParameters(individual, p, maps)         # If the individual has zero infeasible steps, add it to the solutions list         if s == 0:             solutions.append([deepcopy(individual), copy(direction[i])])         # Add the individual's number of turns, infeasible steps, and path length to their respective lists         turns.append(t)         infeas_steps.append(s)         length.append(len(p))
     # Calculate the maximum and minimum values for turns, infeasible steps, and path length     max_t, min_t = max(turns), min(turns)     max_s, min_s = max(infeas_steps), min(infeas_steps)     max_l, min_l = max(length), min(length)
     # Calculate the normalized fitness values for turns, infeasible steps, and path length     fs = [calc(infeas_steps[i], max_s, min_s) for i in range(len(population))]     fl = [calc(length[i],max_l, min_l) for i in range(len(population))]     ft = [calc(turns[i],  max_t, min_t) for i in range(len(population))]
     # Calculate the fitness scores for each individual in the population     fitness = [        (100 * ws * fs[i]) * ((wl * fl[i] + wt * ft[i]) / (wl + wt))         for i in range(POPULATIONSIZE)    ]
     # If createCSV flag is True, write the parameters of fitness to a CSV file     if createCSV:         with open(file_name, 'a+', newline='') as f:             writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['Path Length', 'Turns', 'Infeasible Steps','Fitness'])             writer.writerow({'Path Length': min_l, 'Turns': min_t, 'Infeasible Steps': min_s, 'Fitness':max(fitness)})
     return fitness, solutions



 def rankSel(population, fitness, direction):     """    Takes in the population, fitness and direction lists and returns the population and direction lists after rank selection.    """     # Pair each fitness value with its corresponding individual and direction     pairs = zip(fitness, population, direction)     # Sort pairs in descending order based on fitness value     sorted_pair = sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)     # Unzip the sorted pairs into separate lists     _, population, direction = zip(*sorted_pair)
     return list(population), list(direction)



 def crossover(population, direction):     """     Takes in the population and direction lists and returns the population and direction lists after single point crossover.    """     # Choose a random crossover point between the second and second-to-last gene     crossover_point = randint(2, len(population[0]) - 2)     # Calculate the number of parents to mate (half the population size)     no_of_parents = POPULATIONSIZE // 2     for i in range(no_of_parents - 1):         # Create offspring by combining the genes of two parents up to the crossover point         population[i + no_of_parents] = (             population[i][:crossover_point] + population[i + 1][crossover_point:]        )         # Choose a random direction for the offspring         direction[i + no_of_parents] = choice(["r", "c"])     return population, direction


通过将基因(即tuple (x, y))的x值更改为范围内的任意数字来实现插入突变。元组的y值保持不变,因为我们假设迷宫中的每一列都应该只有一个检查点。


 def mutation(population, mutation_rate, direction, no_of_genes_to_mutate=1):     """    Takes in the population, mutation rate, direction and number of genes to mutate    and returns the population and direction lists after mutation.    """     # Validate the number of genes to mutate     if no_of_genes_to_mutate <= 0:         raise ValueError("Number of genes to mutate must be greater than 0")     if no_of_genes_to_mutate > COLS:         raise ValueError(             "Number of genes to mutate must not be greater than number of columns"        )
     for i in range(POPULATIONSIZE):         # Check if the individual will be mutated based on the mutation rate         if random() < mutation_rate:             for _ in range(no_of_genes_to_mutate):                 # Choose a random gene to mutate and replace it with a new random gene                 index = randint(1, COLS - 2)                 population[i][index] = (randint(1, ROWS), population[i][index][1])             # Choose a random direction for the mutated individual             direction[i] = choice(["r", "c"])     return population, direction



 def best_solution(solutions):     """Takes a list of solutions and returns the best individual(list) and direction"""     # Initialize the best individual and direction as the first solution in the list     best_individual, best_direction = solutions[0]     # Calculate the length of the path for the best solution     min_length = len(path(best_individual, best_direction))
     for individual, direction in solutions[1:]:         # Calculate the length of the path for the best solution         current_length = len(path(individual, direction))         # If the current solution is better than the best solution, update the best solution         if current_length < min_length:             min_length = current_length             best_individual = individual             best_direction = direction     return best_individual, best_direction



 def main():
     # Initialize population, direction, and solution lists     pop, direc, sol = [], [], []     # Set the generation count and the maximum number of generations     gen, maxGen = 0, 2000     # Set the number of solutions to be found     sol_count = 1     # Set the number of solutions to be found     pop, direc = popFiller(pop, direc)
     # Create a new CSV file and write header     with open(file_name, 'w', newline='') as f:         writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['Path Length', 'Turns', 'Infeasible Steps', 'Fitness'])         writer.writeheader()
     # Start the loop for the genetic algorithm     print('Running...')     while True:         gen += 1         # Calculate the fitness values for the population and identify any solutions         fitness, sol = fitCal(pop, direc, sol, createCSV=True)         # Select the parents for the next generation using rank selection         pop, direc = rankSel(pop, fitness, direc)          # Create the offspring for the next generation using crossover         pop, direc = crossover(pop, direc)         # mutate the offsprings using mutation function         pop, direc = mutation(pop, MUTATION_RATE, direc, no_of_genes_to_mutate=1)         # Check if the required number of solutions have been found         if len(sol) == sol_count:             print("Solution found!")             break
         # Check if the maximum number of generations have been reached         if gen >= maxGen:             print("Solution not found!")             flag = input("Do you want to create another population(y/n): ")             # if flag is 'y', clear the population and direction lists and refill them             if flag == 'y':                 pop, direc = [], []                 pop, direc = popFiller(pop, direc)                 gen = 0                 continue              # If flag is 'n' exit the program             else:                 print("Good Bye")                 return None 
      # Find the best solution and its direction     solIndiv, solDir = best_solution(sol)     # Generate the final solution path and reverse it     solPath = path(solIndiv, solDir)     solPath.reverse()
      # Create an agent, set its properties, and trace its path through the maze     a = agent(m, shape="square", filled=False, footprints=True)     m.tracePath({a: solPath}, delay=100)
 if __name__ == "__main__":     # Call the main function     main()



下面是一个使用“loopPercent = 100”的15 * 15迷宫的结果:




下面一个是是使用“loopPercent = 100”的10 * 20迷宫的结果:


使用“loopPercent = 100”的12 × 12迷宫的结果:












https://github.com/DayanHafeez/MazeSolvingUsingGeneticAlgorithm-(注意,后面有个 -)

