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申请WERCS注册需要提供符合最新标准的MSDS/SDS 化学品安全技术说明书

注册标准技术安全 最新 需要 提供 申请
2023-06-13 09:17:41 时间

一、MSDS/SDS 化学品安全技术说明书是什么意思

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and /or Safety DataSheets (SDS)


MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 即物质安全说明书,亦可译为化学品安全技术说明书或化学品安全数据说明书。化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS),在一些国家又被称为物质安全数据表(MSDS)。MSDS提供了化学品在安全、健康和环境保护等方面的信息,推荐了防护措施和紧急情况下的应对措施,是化学品供应商向下游用户传递化学品基本危害信息的重要载体。国标《化学品安全技术说明书 内容和项目顺序》 (GB 16483)和《化学品安全技术说明书编写指南》 (GB 17519)规定了MSDS编写的内容和方法。

SDS 是 Safety Data Sheet 的首字母缩写,即:安全数据表/安全说明书。

You’ll need to provide, with your product,an SDS for the Retailer. Some Retailers require an SDS for each country theyare located in (e.g. Canada).


二、申请WERCS注册需要提供符合最新标准的MSDS/SDS 化学品安全技术说明书的相关问题

Q: What if I don’t have an SDS for myproduct?

A: You may elect to have WPS write one foryou, specific to your product registration data. Once written, an SDS, in PDF,will be provided to you for your review.



Please note: You approve and accept thefinalized SDS and are liable for all data within the document. The SDS iswritten by WPS based on the Product Details you provide during the WERCSmartRegistration process.


Q: My product is not required to have anSDS. Do I still need to have one authored, as I have no document to provide duringthe registration process?

A: If you have an OTC product, orNutritional/Dietary product, you’re correct, an SDS is not required. Therefore,you should then upload a product labelwhich outlines your product’s ingredients.



Note: For these types of products, someRetailers do require that an SDS be written, even though an SDS may notlegally be required. Please consult with your Buyer if you further questions onthe Retailer requirement for documentation.
