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ALSA子系统 | XRUN排查

排查 子系统 alsa
2023-06-13 09:16:31 时间



在录音例子中,如果应用程序读取数据不够快,循环缓存区将会被新的数据覆盖。这种数据的丢失被称为"over run"。 在回放例子中,如果应用程序写入数据到缓存区中的速度不够快,缓存区将会"饿死"。这样的错误被称为"under run"。 在ALSA文档中,有时将这两种情形统称为"XRUN"。适当地设计应用程序可以最小化XRUN并且可以从中恢复过来。


Device Drivers  --->  <*> Sound card support  --->  <*>   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  ---> [*]   Sound Proc FS Support

Device Drivers  --->  <*> Sound card support  --->  <*>   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  ---> [*]   Debug  --->  [*]     Enable PCM ring buffer overrun/underrun debugging




#define xrun_debug(substream, mask) \
                        ((substream)->pstr->xrun_debug & (mask))
#define xrun_debug(substream, mask)     0


audiocodec soc@xxxxxxxx:sound@0:XRUN:pcmC0D0p:0



 1   Basic debugging - show xruns in ksyslog interface
 2   Dump stack - dump stack for basic debugging
 4   Jiffies check - compare the position with kernel jiffies (a sort of in-kernel monotonic clock),
     show what's changed when basic debugging is enabled
 8   Dump positions on each period update call
 16  Dump positions on each hardware pointer update call
 32  Enable logging of last 10 ring buffer positions
 64  Show the last 10 ring buffer position only once (when first error situation occured)

要启用更多功能,只需对上述值求和(例如1 + 2 = 3),一些常用到好的组合如下:

# Enable basic debugging and dump stack
# Usefull to just see, if PCM stream is stopped for a reason (usually wrong audio process timing from scheduler)
 echo 3 > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/xrun_debug

上面往xrun_debug写入3,也就是启用基本调试和堆栈功能(Enable basic debugging and dump stack)以及查看PCM流是否由于某种原因而停止(if PCM stream is stopped for a reason)。还有一些常用到组合配置:

# Enable basic debugging and dump stack, check hardware pointer on the period update
 # Usefull to just see, if PCM stream is stopped for a reason (usually wrong audio process timing from scheduler)
 # And to check the values from driver
 echo 11 > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/xrun_debug
 # Enable basic debugging and dump stack, check hardware pointer on all updates
 # Usefull to just see, if PCM stream is stopped for a reason (usually wrong audio process timing from scheduler)
 # And to do the exact check the values from driver
 echo 27 > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/xrun_debug
 # Enable basic debugging, do jiffies check and enable one shot dump of last 10 ring buffer positions
 # Usefull, when the position is broken only after some of time (to reduce ksyslog messages)
 echo 101 > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/xrun_debug
 # Enable basic debugging, do jiffies check and dump position on each period and hardware pointer update calls
 # Usefull when the lowlevel (specific) hardware driver is somehow broken
 echo 29 > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/xrun_debug

不过我这里个人推荐使用:echo 53 > /proc/asound/xxx/pcm0p/xrun_debug



  • Linux CFS(完全公平的调度程序)
  • 具有 SCHED_FIFO 调度的高优先级线程
  • 优先级倒置
  • 长时间调度延时
  • 长时间运行到中断处理 程序
  • 长时间中断禁用
  • 电源管理
  • 安全内核

大部分情况下xrun都可以先试着调整period size和period count来解决,如果不起作用,还需要根据具体原因来具体分析。 period_size:每次传输的数据长度。值越小,时延越小,cpu占用就越高。 period_count:缓冲区period的个数。缓冲区越大,发生XRUN的机会就越少。

默认情况下,在进入XRUN状态时会停止DMA传输,直到有available空间可写入(overrun时),或者直到有数据写入(underrun时)。但是用户空间可以通过配置silence_threshold来继续播放缓冲区的重复的音频数据或静音数据(silence_size为填充的大小),当空余空间超过silence threshold时,就hardware buffer 写入silence。PS:偶尔的系统繁忙导致的这种状态, 重复播放原有的音频数据会显得更平滑,效果更好。