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2023-06-13 09:15:29 时间


工作专业话术:怼人 +

工作专业话术:怼人 + 绩效考核自我评估(对领导回复绩效邮件)自己收集别人工作时的对话+部分内容来自抖音 【抖音里基本就是:好像是一个loewhaley的人的创作】

1. This is not my problem.

I recommend directing this issue to [name] as they have the proper expertise to best assist you.

2. 读邮件啊,里面有,问个屁

Option 1: I have included my initial email below which contains all of the details you are looking for. Option 2: I pervioursly sent you an email regarding that but please let me know if something went wrong in transit.

3. 你在说啥呢?

Option 1 Can you help me better understand what exactly it is that you require on my end? Option 2: Is there something that you require on my end? Option 3: I am struggling to understand what you are communicating. Can you present this in a different way?

4. Stop micromanaging.

I am confident in my ability to complete this project and will be sure to reach out if or when I require your input.

5. This decision was made weeks ago, why are you bringing this up now?

These concerns were not raised during any of our previous discussions. Has something changed since the decision was made?

6. You must lost your mind

To ensure our due diligence, let’s walk through this plan and all possible outcomes.

7. 不在职责内

This falls outside of my current job description but if the opportunity for a role expansion becomes available I would be happy to discuss reworking my contract to better align with these new responsibilities.

8. I need more detail to do this

Please let me know when further details become available as i require more information to successfully complete this task.

9. 这像你的问题

Option 1: I believe that falls within your scope of responsibilities but I am happy to support where it makes sense. Option 2: I do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.

10. 你应该早点问,早点说

Option 1: Given the tight turnaround it would have been beneficial to have been looped in on this sooner. Option 2: In the future, it is important to share information like this with the team sooner. So we might mitigate these sort of issues.

11. 别邮件轰炸我

To ensure that information does not get lost, let’s reduce frequency of communication so that updates are only provided once more details have been established.

12. I told you so./ I already told you this

as per my prediction, this outcome does not come as a surprise. As indicated prior, … …

13 针对不回邮件的人

Option 1: Try.. with deadlines approaching it’s imperative that I receive this information in order to proceed. Option 2: I understand this is a busy time and if it is easier for you to jump on a call I am happy to set up some time in order to get this resolved.

14. You are not my boss

I can look at prioritizing this behind my assigned responsibilities however I cannot commit to a timeline as my workload is dictated by [My boss name]

15. That is a bad idea

Option 1: Are we confident that this is the best solution or are we still exploring alternatives? Option 2: I am happy to explore this option but I do have some hesitations on the viability.

16. 回答我全部问题,而不是回答其中一两个问题

Are you able to provide some clarity around the other questions perviously asked?

17. 你自己先想一想怎么解决,再来找我

I encourage you to brainstorm possible solutions prior to looping me in for additional support

18. Can you do your job so I don’t have to.

Please let me know when your deliverables have been completed.

19. 之后的问题,你自己解决

If further edits are required, I have attached a version of the document that you can apply your edits directly into.


I have learned a tremendous number of valuable professional skills under your leadership, and it gave me a chance to flex my project management skills. I assure you, I am ready to tackle new challenges and continue to do all I can to be a contributing, effective member of your team.

Thank you for being a great mentor! I appreciate all the help you’ve given me. I am also thankful that you have been patient will all my questions as I strive to learn everything I can. I assure you, I am ready to tackle new challenges and continue to do all I can to be a contributing, effective member of your team.