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什么 时候 普林斯顿 微积分
2023-06-13 09:15:14 时间



Same with linear algebra, calculus is also closely related to programming.


You might know the first two courses in the first grade of computer science and engineering (I don’t even mention the rest of the departments). You’d wonder how well they work out in real scenarios. Here, we’ll break out why calculus is important in programming. Here are the details.

您可能知道计算机科学与工程专业一年级的前两门课程(我什至没有提及其他部门)。 您想知道它们在实际场景中的效果如何。 在这里,我们将探讨微积分为什么在编程中很重要。 这是详细信息。

该算法的逻辑取决于一个数学主题 (The algorithm’s logic depends on one mathematical topic)

And it’s the functions in calculus. It might seem odd when you learn calculus in the first year and you might be asking why. I asked the same question and after starting to learn calculus while paying attention to the topics by Khan Academy. And then I realized that they’re simply basic mathematics that would pave the way to understand computer science and programming.

这是微积分中的功能。 当您在第一年学习微积分时,您可能会问为什么,这似乎很奇怪。 我问了同样的问题,并且在开始学习微积分的同时关注可汗学院的主题。 然后我意识到它们只是基础数学,可以为理解计算机科学和编程铺平道路

Even more, I realized as I was learning computer science that the logic of the algorithm is highly dependent on the topic of functions as an algorithm is the steps of solving a problem by design. As there are a problem and a solution to a problem (algorithm), functions are coming into hand even though there are lots of solutions in your domain, you can only choose one from the set of solutions (g(x)) for your problem (f(x)).

甚至在我学习计算机科学时,我意识到算法的逻辑高度依赖于函数的主题,因为算法是通过设计解决问题的步骤。 由于存在一个问题和一个问题的解决方案(算法),即使您的域中有很多解决方案,函数也将投入使用,因此您只能从问题的解决方案集(g(x))中选择一个(f(x))。

为统计编程提供基础 (Provides bases for a statistical programming)

Especially if you start to learn data science, probability, and artificial intelligence. It might not be needed in the first place as you study the basics of statistics but when you come into the topic of probability and advancing further into statistics where you need every piece of math available to solve your problems. Moreover, topics like linear algebra, differential equations, and multivariate calculus require a full understanding of calculus.

特别是如果您开始学习数据科学,概率和人工智能。 在学习统计学的基础知识时,一开始可能不需要它,但是当您进入概率主题并进一步发展到统计学时,则需要使用所有可用的数学知识来解决问题。 此外,诸如线性代数,微分方程和多元微积分之类的主题需要对微积分有充分的了解。

为数学编程提供基础 (Provides bases for mathematical programming)

Same with statistical programming. They all require calculus as they’re built upon the foundations of each topic in calculus especially derivatives and integrals. And the topics build up each other and are used frequently in different topics in mathematics and programming to build up complex systems, teaching, creating projects with high value to improve other people’s lives.

与统计编程相同。 它们都需要微积分,因为它们建立在微积分中每个主题的基础上,尤其是导数和积分。 各个主题之间会相互融合,并在数学和编程中的不同主题中经常使用,以构建复杂的系统,进行教学,并创建具有高价值的项目以改善他人的生活。

生活取决于数学 (Life depends upon mathematics)

It’s not just programming. The whole life systems are built upon mathematics and our very existence depends on maths and we’re becoming ever dependent on math. And the base for any intermediate to advanced mathematics is reliant on calculus. Understanding mathematics and the life systems derive from calculus were mechanics, chemistry, and other systems for our understanding.

不只是编程。 整个生命系统都是建立在数学基础上的 ,我们的生存依赖于数学,而我们越来越依赖于数学。 而且,任何中高级数学的基础都取决于微积分。 从微积分中得出的数学和生命系统的理解是力学,化学和其他用于我们理解的系统。

According to you, why calculus is important for programming? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

根据您的说法,微积分为什么对编程很重要? 在下面的评论部分中分享您的想法和经验。

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/why-calculus-is-important-e71a12f85213


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