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C++ 调用Matlab画图「建议收藏」

C++MATLAB 建议 收藏 调用 画图
2023-06-13 09:14:40 时间


劳动节闲来无事,写了一天程序,just for fun.



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <engine.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
class MatArray
MatArray() : _data(NULL){}
MatArray(size_t irows, size_t icols){
resize(irows, icols);
MatArray(const MatArray &obj){
if (obj._data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(obj.rows(), obj.cols(), mxREAL);
memcpy(this->ptr(), obj.ptr(), sizeof(double)*rows()*cols());
_data = NULL;
~MatArray(){ mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL; }
inline size_t rows() const { return _data ? mxGetM(_data) : 0; }
inline size_t cols() const { return _data ? mxGetN(_data) : 0; }
inline double* ptr() const { return _data ? mxGetPr(_data) : NULL; }
bool resize(size_t irows, size_t icols){
if (!_data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
if (rows() == irows || cols() == icols){
return true;
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
int put(Engine *ep, const char* var_name){
return engPutVariable(ep, var_name, _data);
template<class EigenMat = Eigen::MatrixXf>
void copy_from_eigen(const EigenMat &emat){
if (emat.rows()*emat.cols() == 0){
mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL;
resize(emat.rows(), emat.cols());
for (int c = 0; c < emat.cols(); c++){
for (int r = 0; r < emat.rows(); r++){
(*this)[r + c*(int)(emat.rows())] = emat(r, c);
inline double& operator[](int i){
return ptr()[i];
mxArray *_data;
string rndcolor(){
string color = "[";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + "]";
return color;
class Matlab
Matlab(const Matlab &obj){}
_engine = engOpen(NULL);
if (!_engine){
cerr << "failed to open MATLAB engine!" << endl;
cout << "MATLAB has been started successfully!" << endl;
// if you are testing algorithm, you are encouraged to keep the line below bing committed.
//engClose(_engine); _engine = NULL;
// line_spec : "LineStyle" + "Marker" + "Color", e.g. "-or"
// for line
// "LineStyle" = {"none", "-", ":", "-."}
// "LineWidth" = 0.5
// "Color" = {[0 0.4470 0.7410] (default) | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k} | 'none'}
// for Marker
// "Marker" = {"none", "o", "+", "*", ".", "x", "s", "d", "^", "v", ">", "<", 'p', 'h'}
// "MarkerEdgeColor" = 'auto' (default) | 'none' | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k}
// "MarkerFaceColor" = 'auto' (default) | 'none' | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k}
// "MarkerSize" = 6
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf>
int plot(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y,
string nm0  = "",
string nm1  = "", string nm2  = "",
string nm3  = "", string nm4  = "",
string nm5  = "", string nm6  = "",
string nm7  = "", string nm8  = "",
string nm9  = "", string nm10 = "",
string nm11 = "", string nm12 = "",
string nm13 = "", string nm14 = ""
MatArray MX, MY;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
string plot_code = "MX, MY";
string code;
#define EVL_CODE(_ARG0,_ARG1) code = var_plot_code(nm##_ARG0, nm##_ARG1); if(code != ""){ plot_code += ", " + code;}
code = var_plot_code(nm0, "");
if (code != ""){
plot_code += ", " + code;
EVL_CODE(1, 2);
EVL_CODE(3, 4);
EVL_CODE(5, 6);
EVL_CODE(7, 8);
EVL_CODE(9, 10);
EVL_CODE(11, 12);
EVL_CODE(13, 14);
EVL_CODE(0, 1);
EVL_CODE(2, 3);
EVL_CODE(4, 5);
EVL_CODE(6, 7);
EVL_CODE(8, 9);
EVL_CODE(10, 11);
EVL_CODE(12, 13);
#undef EVL_CODE
plot_code = "plot(" + plot_code + ");";
cout << plot_code << endl;
return 0;
// line_spec : "LineStyle" + "Marker" + "Color", e.g. "-or"
// for line
// "LineStyle" = {"none", "-", ":", "-."}
// "LineWidth" = 0.5
// "Color" = {[0 0.4470 0.7410] (default) | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k} | 'none'}
// for Marker
// "Marker" = {"none", "o", "+", "*", ".", "x", "s", "d", "^", "v", ">", "<", 'p', 'h'}
// "MarkerEdgeColor" = 'auto' (default) | 'none' | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k}
// "MarkerFaceColor" = 'auto' (default) | 'none' | RGB triplet | {y,m,c,r,g,b,w,k}
// "MarkerSize" = 6
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMask = Eigen::MatrixXi>
int plot_mask(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y, const TMask &mask,
string nm0  = "",
string nm1  = "", string nm2  = "",
string nm3  = "", string nm4  = "",
string nm5  = "", string nm6  = "",
string nm7  = "", string nm8  = "",
string nm9  = "", string nm10 = "",
string nm11 = "", string nm12 = "",
string nm13 = "", string nm14 = ""
MatArray MX, MY, MS;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
MS.copy_from_eigen(mask); MS.put(_engine, "MS");
string plot_code = "MX(MS>0), MY(MS>0)";
string code;
#define EVL_CODE(_ARG0,_ARG1) code = var_plot_code(nm##_ARG0, nm##_ARG1); if(code != ""){ plot_code += ", " + code;}
code = var_plot_code(nm0, "");
if (code != ""){
plot_code += ", " + code;
EVL_CODE(1, 2);
EVL_CODE(3, 4);
EVL_CODE(5, 6);
EVL_CODE(7, 8);
EVL_CODE(9, 10);
EVL_CODE(11, 12);
EVL_CODE(13, 14);
EVL_CODE(0, 1);
EVL_CODE(2, 3);
EVL_CODE(4, 5);
EVL_CODE(6, 7);
EVL_CODE(8, 9);
EVL_CODE(10, 11);
EVL_CODE(12, 13);
#undef EVL_CODE
plot_code = "plot(" + plot_code + ");";
cout << plot_code << endl;
return 0;
string var_plot_code(string nm, string var){
boost::trim(nm); boost::trim(var);
if (nm == ""){
return "";
string code = "'" + nm + "'";
if (var == ""){
return (nm[0] < 'A' || nm[0] > 'Z') ? code : "";
if (nm == "LineStyle" || nm == "Marker"){ // string
// 'LineStyle', '-'
return code + ", '" + var + "'";
if (nm == "LineWidth" || nm == "MarkerSize"){ // positive number
// 'LineWidth', 0.5
return code + ", " + var;
if (nm == "Color" || nm == "MarkerEdgeColor" || nm == "MarkerFaceColor"){
if (var[0] == '['){
return code + ", " + var;
return code + ", '" + var + "'";
return "";
int exec(string cmd){
return engEvalString(_engine, cmd.c_str());
Engine *_engine;
Matlab mbeng;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
// random circles
Eigen::ArrayXXf data;
data = data.Random(1000, 2);
//mbeng.exec("figure(1); clf;");
mbeng.plot(data.col(0), data.col(1), "o", "MarkerFaceColor", "[0,0,0]", "MarkerEdgeColor", "[0,0,0]");
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");
// different colors
int K = 4;
Eigen::ArrayXXi clid;
clid = Eigen::abs(clid.Random(1000, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < clid.rows(); i++){
clid(i, 0) = clid(i, 0) % K;
mbeng.exec("figure(2); clf;");
for (int k = 0; k < K; k++){
string colors = rndcolor();
mbeng.plot_mask(data.col(0), data.col(1), (clid == k), "o", "MarkerFaceColor", colors, "MarkerEdgeColor", colors, "MarkerSize", "5");
mbeng.exec("hold on;");
mbeng.exec("hold off;");
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");
// plot line
Eigen::ArrayXf X;
Eigen::ArrayXf Y;
X = X.LinSpaced(30,-3.1415926f, 3.1415926f);
Y = X.sin()*X.cos();
mbeng.plot(X, Y, "LineStyle", "-.", "Marker", "o", "MarkerSize", "5", "MarkerFaceColor", "[0,1,0]");
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <engine.h>
class MatArray
MatArray() : _data(NULL){}
MatArray(size_t irows, size_t icols){
resize(irows, icols);
MatArray(const MatArray &obj){
if (obj._data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(obj.rows(), obj.cols(), mxREAL);
memcpy(this->ptr(), obj.ptr(), sizeof(double)*rows()*cols());
_data = NULL;
~MatArray(){ mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL; }
inline size_t rows() const { return _data ? mxGetM(_data) : 0; }
inline size_t cols() const { return _data ? mxGetN(_data) : 0; }
inline double* ptr() const { return _data ? mxGetPr(_data) : NULL; }
bool resize(size_t irows, size_t icols){
if (!_data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
if (rows() == irows || cols() == icols){
return true;
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
int put(Engine *ep, const char* var_name){
return engPutVariable(ep, var_name, _data);
template<class EigenMat = Eigen::MatrixXf>
void copy_from_eigen(const EigenMat &emat){
if (emat.rows()*emat.cols() == 0){
mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL;
resize(emat.rows(), emat.cols());
for (int c = 0; c < emat.cols(); c++){
for (int r = 0; r < emat.rows(); r++){
(*this)[r + c*(int)(emat.rows())] = emat(r, c);
inline double& operator[](int i){
return ptr()[i];
mxArray *_data;
string rndcolor(){
string color = "[";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + "]";
return color;
class Matlab
Matlab(const Matlab &obj){}
_engine = engOpen(NULL);
if (!_engine){
cerr << "failed to open MATLAB engine!" << endl;
cout << "MATLAB has been started successfully!" << endl;
// if you are testing algorithm, you are encouraged to keep the line below bing committed.
//engClose(_engine); _engine = NULL;
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf>
int plot(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y, string line_spec = "", int figure_id = 1, bool hold_on = false){
MatArray MX, MY, ID;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
ID.resize(1, 1); ID[0] = figure_id; ID.put(_engine, "ID");
string plot_code = " figure(ID); plot(MX, MY";
if (line_spec != ""){
plot_code = plot_code + "," + line_spec;
plot_code += ");";
plot_code += hold_on ? "hold on;" : "hold off;";
return engEvalString(_engine, plot_code.c_str());
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatC = Eigen::MatrixXf>
int plot(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y, const TMatC &C, int K, int figure_id = 1, int marker_size = 5, string line_and_marker = "o"){
MatArray MX, MY, MC, ID;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
MC.copy_from_eigen(C); MC.put(_engine, "MC");
ID.resize(1, 1); ID[0] = figure_id; ID.put(_engine, "ID");
exec("figure(ID); clf;");
for (int k = 0; k < K; k++){
string rdc = rndcolor();
exec(string("idx = MC==") + to_string(k) + ";");
exec("plot(MX(idx), MY(idx), '" + line_and_marker + "', 'MarkerEdgeColor', " + rdc + ",'MarkerFaceColor'," + rdc + ", 'MarkerSize'," + to_string(marker_size) + "); hold on;");
exec("hold off;");
return 0;
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf>
int plot(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y, int figure_id = 1, int marker_size = 5, string line_and_marker = "-"){
MatArray MX, MY, ID;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
ID.resize(1, 1); ID[0] = figure_id; ID.put(_engine, "ID");
string rdc = rndcolor();
exec("figure(ID); clf;");
exec("plot(MX, MY, '" + line_and_marker + "', 'MarkerEdgeColor', " + rdc + ",'MarkerFaceColor'," + rdc + ", 'MarkerSize'," + to_string(marker_size) + "); hold on;");
exec("hold off;");
return 0;
int exec(string cmd){
return engEvalString(_engine, cmd.c_str());
Engine *_engine;
#if 1
int main(int argc, char** argv){
Matlab mbeng;
// random circles
Eigen::ArrayXXf data;
data = data.Random(1000, 2);
mbeng.plot(data.col(0), data.col(1), 1, 5, "o");
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");
// different colors
int K = 4;
Eigen::ArrayXXi clid;
clid = Eigen::abs(clid.Random(1000, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < clid.rows(); i++){
clid(i,0) = clid(i,0) % K;
mbeng.plot(data.col(0), data.col(1), clid, K, 2);
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");
// plot line
Eigen::ArrayXXf X(1000,1);
Eigen::ArrayXXf Y(1000,1);
float fpi = 3.1415926f;
float sstep = fpi*2 / 1000.f;
for (int i = 0; i < X.rows(); i++){
X(i, 0) = -3.1415926f + i*sstep;
Y(i, 0) = sin(X(i,0))*cos(X(i,0));
mbeng.plot(X, Y, 3, 5, " - ");
mbeng.exec("axis tight;");


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <engine.h>
class MatArray
MatArray() : _data(NULL){}
MatArray(size_t irows, size_t icols){
resize(irows, icols);
MatArray(const MatArray &obj){
if (obj._data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(obj.rows(), obj.cols(), mxREAL);
memcpy(this->ptr(), obj.ptr(), sizeof(double)*rows()*cols());
_data = NULL;
~MatArray(){ mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL; }
inline size_t rows() const { return _data? mxGetM(_data):0; }
inline size_t cols() const { return _data? mxGetN(_data):0; }
inline double* ptr() const { return _data? mxGetPr(_data):NULL; }
bool resize(size_t irows, size_t icols){
if (!_data){
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
if (rows() == irows || cols() == icols){
return true;
_data = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(irows, icols, mxREAL);
return (_data != NULL);
int put(Engine *ep, const char* var_name){
return engPutVariable(ep, var_name, _data);
template<class EigenMat=Eigen::MatrixXf>
void copy_from_eigen(const EigenMat &emat){
if (emat.rows()*emat.cols() == 0){
mxDestroyArray(_data); _data = NULL;            
resize(emat.rows(), emat.cols());
for (int c = 0; c < emat.cols(); c++){
for (int r = 0; r < emat.rows(); r++){
(*this)[r + c*emat.rows()] = emat(r, c);
inline double& operator[](int i){
return ptr()[i];
mxArray *_data;
class Matlab
Matlab(const Matlab &obj){}
_engine = engOpen(NULL);
if (!_engine){
cerr << "failed to open MATLAB engine!" << endl;
cout << "MATLAB has been started successfully!" << endl;
// if you are testing algorithm, you are encouraged to keep the line below bing committed.
//engClose(_engine); _engine = NULL;
template<class TMatX = Eigen::MatrixXf, class TMatY = Eigen::MatrixXf>
int plot(const TMatX &X, const TMatY &Y, string line_spec = "", int figure_id = 1, bool hold_on = false){
MatArray MX, MY, ID;
MX.copy_from_eigen(X); MX.put(_engine, "MX");
MY.copy_from_eigen(Y); MY.put(_engine, "MY");
ID.resize(1, 1); ID[0] = figure_id; ID.put(_engine, "ID");
string plot_code = " figure(ID); plot(MX, MY";
if (line_spec != ""){
plot_code = plot_code + "," + line_spec;
plot_code += ");";
plot_code += hold_on ? "hold on;" : "hold off;";
return engEvalString(_engine, plot_code.c_str());
int exec(string cmd){
return engEvalString(_engine, cmd.c_str());
Engine *_engine;
string rndcolor(){
string color = "[";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + ",";
color += to_string((rand() % 256) / 255.) + "]";
return color;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
Eigen::MatrixXf data;
srand((unsigned int)time(0));
data = data.Random(1000, 2);
Matlab mateng;
//mateng.exec("clear all; close all;");
mateng.plot(data.col(0), data.col(1), string("'s',") + "'MarkerEdgeColor'," + rndcolor() + ",'MarkerFaceColor'," + rndcolor() + ", 'MarkerSize', 5", 1, true);


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