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Excel: 数据处理时常用的快捷键

Excel 常用 数据处理 快捷键
2023-06-13 09:12:58 时间


The list is by no means exhaustive. If different, Mac shortcuts are listed in second position.


  • Undo/Redo CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y | CMD+Z or CMD+Y. Z stands for undo and Y for redo.
  • New File/ New Workbook CTRL+N | CMD+N
  • Open file / Open Workbook CTRL+O | CMD+O To open the dialogue box and select an existing file (workbook)
  • Close file / Close Workbook CTRL+W | CMD+W
  • Save file / Save Workbook CTRL+S | CMD+S
  • Select all CTRL+A | CMD+A
  • Enter a new line of Text ALT + Enter Sometimes when entering data into a cell, you may want to go to a new line below your current one, within the same cell.
  • Moving around the worksheet
    • Page Up and Page Down will move one "page" (the number of rows shown on the screen) up or down.
    • CTRL+arrow keys will move to the next blank cell in that direction.
    • CTRL+Home takes you to the first cell that contains data in the top-left corner of the sheet.
    • CTRL+End goes to the last cell in the bottom-right.


  • F4 (fn + F4 / CMD + T) — Cycle through all 4 types of cell references. (Absolute, Mixed x2, Relative)
  • SHIFT + F3 (CTRL + A) — Open Formula Builder/ Function Wizard
  • CTRL + PgUp (CMD + PgUp) — Go to the previous sheet.
  • CTRL + PgDn (CMD + PgDn) — Go to the next sheet.


  • CTRL + SHIFT + & (CMD + OPTION + 0) -- Add a border around the outside of selected cells
  • CTRL + B (CMD + B) -- Change selection to Bold Text


  • CTRL + 0 (CMD + 0) -- Hide the column containing the selected cell.
  • CTRL + 9 (CMD + 9) -- Hide the row containing the selected cell.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + 0 (CMD + SHIFT + 0) -- Unhide the column containing the selected cell. (Select cells surrounding hidden column)
  • CTRL + SHIFT + 9 (CMD + SHIFT + 9) -- Unhide the row containing the selected cell. (Select cells surrounding hidden row)
  • CTRL + SHIFT + L (CMD + SHIFT + F) -- Add or remove a filter


  • CTRL + P | CMD + P: Open Print dialogue
  • CTRL + X | CMD + X: Cut selection
  • CTRL + C | CMD + C: Copy selection
  • CTRL + V | CMD + V: Paste data (from previous cut/copy action)
  • CTRL + F2: Open Print Preview window


[1] Excel Skills for Business: Essentials(https://www.coursera.org/learn/excel-essentials?


[1] Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages(https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Excel-keyboard-shortcuts-and-function-keys-for-Windows-1798d9d5-842a-42b8-9c99-9b7213f0040f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

[2] Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages(https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Keyboard-shortcuts-in-Excel-2016-for-Mac-acf5419e-1f87-444d-962f-4e951a658ccd