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美国 信息 方向 博士 运筹学 招收 招生 州立大学
2023-06-13 09:11:37 时间




俄亥俄州立大学系统工程系,西安交大/密歇根大学校友于弦博士课题组招收博士,入学时间为2023 年春季/秋季。课题组专注于解决不确定性优化问题及其在供应链和智能交通中的应用。课题组成果已发表于Mathematical Programming, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Service Science等运筹学知名期刊。课题组现面向多学科背景招生(应用数学,统计学,工业工程,计算机等)。欢迎有相关本科或硕士背景的同学发送CV以及成绩单至 yu.3610@osu.edu


  • A BS degree or MS degree in Applied/Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, or a closely related field;
  • Strong background in mathematics and coding skills;
  • Strong motivation and interest in research;
  • Prior research experience is preferred but not required.

Interested students are encouraged to send the following documents to yu.3610@osu.edu with the subject “Application for Spring 2023/Autumn 2023 Ph.D. Position”:

  • Latest CV (required);
  • Bachelor’s transcript (required), Master’s transcript (if applicable);
  • A brief description of research experience (if applicable).

Review and interview of applications will begin as soon as possible for the Spring 2023 admission and will continue until both positions are filled.


The Department of Integrated Systems Engineering (ISE) offers degrees in industrial and systems engineering (B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.). These degrees focus on the design, operation and management of complex systems, providing students with a blend of technical, management and human-centered design skills. The ISE department is ranked 16th in the nation by U.S. News 2023.


The Ohio State University is located in Columbus, which is the state capital and the most populous city in Ohio. As of 2021, the Greater Columbus area is home to the headquarters of six corporations in the U.S. Fortune 500, and many technology companies are bringing their headquarters or factories to Columbus, including Intel and Hyperion. The U.S. News ranks The Ohio State University at 49th among all national U.S. universities, and 17th among the nation’s best public universities.



