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A blog system based on SpringBoot

SpringBootOn system blog based
2023-06-13 09:11:01 时间


???? English简体中文

A blog system based onSpringBoot and vue

Main Features

  • Articles, categories, labels, music addition, deletion, editing, etc.
  • Support the function of listening to songs.
  • Support photo album function.
  • Support article search.
  • Sidebar function, latest articles, hottest articles, labels, etc.
  • Article editing supportMarkdown
  • It supportsRediscaching and is implemented based on annotations.
  • Integrated drawing bed function.
  • Complete comment function, including reply comments and email reminders of comments.
  • Integrate third-party QQ login.
  • Back office integration Vue (recently, semi-finished products).

Basic environment

Windows Environmental requirements


JDK = 1.8
MySQL >= 5.7
Maven >= 3.0
Redis >= 6.0
IntelliJ IDEA

front end(Optional)

VsCode 前端工具

reminder: This front-end option is optional. If you don't integrate Vue, you can directly skip the front-end (the background management system based on Vue, which is an abnormal attendance project I used to play, has not completely replaced the background management of this project at present, mainly because the background of this project is too ugly! I don't know what I thought when I was a freshman at that time ????)

JDK = 1.8

Download the latest version of version 1.8 on the official website and install it after downloading.

Download :https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html


java -version

Maven >= 3.0

Download the latest version of the compressed package from Maven official website.

Download :https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi


mvn -v

Mysql >= 5.7(new)

Installation tutorial:https://www.runoob.com/mysql/mysql-install.html

Download :https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/

Visit MySQL's visual database development tool: the installation tutorial of Navicat premium tool can be searched by Baidu.


Download :https://redis.io/download/

Installation tutorial:解压,配置(密码,默认无密码)

redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf

IntelliJ IDEA

Installation tutorial:https://blog.csdn.net/Sunshine_Mr_Sun/article/details/123891067


Installation tutorial:https://blog.csdn.net/Sunshine_Mr_Sun/article/details/124320972


Download :https://code.visualstudio.com/


Installation tutorial:https://www.runoob.com/nodejs/nodejs-install-setup.html


Back end startup steps

  • Create DB
  • Import project
  • Configure yaml
  • Successful startup

reminder: The SQL file has been provided and only needs to be executed myblog. sql Import the project into idea (the tool used in this project is idea. If you use ecplise, you can use it as well. After all, Baidu can't do anything.) Remember to modify the configuration of the connection database before starting If the console prints the access path, it is OK

**Front end startup steps * * (optional)

cd 路径/topicUI

#强烈建议不要用直接使用 cnpm 安装,会有各种诡异的 bug,可以通过重新指定 registry 来解决 npm 安装速度慢的问题。
npm install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

npm run dev

Open the browser and enter: http://localhost:8080 (the default account / password has two 'admin/1')

If the login page can be displayed correctly and successfully, and the menu and page display are normal, it indicates that the project is successfully launched

Server deployment

Linux deployment must first obtain jars and dists based on win operation, and then operate. If there is no ECs, here-download VMware

Linux environment requirements



Installation tutorial:https://blog.csdn.net/Sunshine_Mr_Sun/article/details/123206789



Deployment steps

  • Package the front and rear end projects respectively (jar, dist)
  • Put dist into nginx and configure nginx
  • Modify dockerfile and docker compose YML file (file provided)
  • Execute docker build -t myblog:1.0
  • Docker images check whether the image is generated
  • Docker compose up (check whether it is started successfully. After that, start it in the background -d)
  • View and login

If you have any questions, please mention issue, or send the problem description to my email1206128610@qq.com. I will answer as soon as possible It is recommended to submit issue

To all of you ????‍♀️????‍♂️

If this project helps you, please hereLeave your website for more people to see.

Your reply will be the driving force for me to continue updating and maintaining.