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信息 神器 使用指南 收集
2023-06-13 09:11:05 时间

OWASP Amass项目使用开源信息收集和主动侦察技术,对攻击面和外部资产发现进行网络映射。


Data Sources


360PassiveDNS, Ahrefs, AnubisDB, BinaryEdge, BufferOver, BuiltWith, C99, Chaos, CIRCL, Cloudflare, DNSDB, DNSRepo, Detectify, FOFA, FullHunt, GitHub, GitLab, Greynoise, HackerTarget, Hunter, IntelX, LeakIX, Maltiverse, Mnemonic, N45HT, PassiveTotal, PentestTools, Quake, Shodan, SonarSearch, Spamhaus, Spyse, Sublist3rAPI, ThreatBook, ThreatCrowd, ThreatMiner, Twitter, URLScan, VirusTotal, ZETAlytics, ZoomEye


Active pulls (optional), Censys, CertSpotter, Crtsh, Digitorus, FacebookCT, GoogleCT


Brute forcing, Reverse DNS sweeping, NSEC zone walking, Zone transfers, FQDN alterations/permutations, FQDN Similarity-based Guessing


ARIN, BGPTools, BGPView, IPdata, IPinfo, NetworksDB, RADb, Robtex, ShadowServer, TeamCymru


AbuseIPDB, Ask, Baidu, Bing, DNSDumpster, DuckDuckGo, Gists, HackerOne, HyperStat, IPv4Info, PKey, RapidDNS, Riddler, Searchcode, Searx, SiteDossier, Yahoo

Web Archives

ArchiveIt, Arquivo, CommonCrawl, HAW, UKWebArchive, Wayback


AlienVault, AskDNS, DNSlytics, ONYPHE, SecurityTrails, SpyOnWeb, Umbrella, WhoisXMLAPI



vulab@sechelper:~/amass_linux_amd64$ ./amass -versionv3.19.3


amass enum -v -src -ip -brute -min-for-recursive 2 -d example.com






















Enable active recon methods

amass intel -active -addr -p 80,443,8080


IPs and ranges ( separated by commas

amass intel -addr


ASNs separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass intel -asn 13374,14618


CIDRs separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass intel -cidr


Path to the INI configuration file

amass intel -config config.ini


Domain names separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass intel -whois -d example.com


Censor output to make it suitable for demonstrations

amass intel -demo -whois -d example.com


Path to a file providing root domain names

amass intel -whois -df domains.txt


Path to the directory containing the graph database

amass intel -dir PATH -cidr


Path to a file providing data sources to exclude

amass intel -whois -ef exclude.txt -d example.com


Data source names separated by commas to be excluded

amass intel -whois -exclude crtsh -d example.com


Path to a file providing data sources to include

amass intel -whois -if include.txt -d example.com


Data source names separated by commas to be included

amass intel -whois -include crtsh -d example.com


Show the IP addresses for discovered names

amass intel -ip -whois -d example.com


Show the IPv4 addresses for discovered names

amass intel -ipv4 -whois -d example.com


Show the IPv6 addresses for discovered names

amass intel -ipv6 -whois -d example.com


Print the names of all available data sources

amass intel -list


Path to the log file where errors will be written

amass intel -log amass.log -whois -d example.com


Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries

amass intel -max-dns-queries 200 -whois -d example.com


Path to the text output file

amass intel -o out.txt -whois -d example.com


Search string provided against AS description information

amass intel -org Facebook


Ports separated by commas (default: 80, 443)

amass intel -cidr -p 443,8080


IP addresses of preferred DNS resolvers (can be used multiple times)

amass intel -r, -whois -d example.com


Path to a file providing preferred DNS resolvers

amass intel -rf data/resolvers.txt -whois -d example.com


Print data sources for the discovered names

amass intel -src -whois -d example.com


Number of minutes to execute the enumeration

amass intel -timeout 30 -d example.com


All discovered domains are run through reverse whois

amass intel -whois -d example.com









Enable active recon methods

amass enum -active -d example.com -p 80,443,8080


Path to a different wordlist file for alterations

amass enum -aw PATH -d example.com


Blacklist of subdomain names that will not be investigated

amass enum -bl blah.example.com -d example.com


Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains

amass enum -blf data/blacklist.txt -d example.com


Perform brute force subdomain enumeration

amass enum -brute -d example.com


Path to the INI configuration file

amass enum -config config.ini


Domain names separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass enum -d example.com


Censor output to make it suitable for demonstrations

amass enum -demo -d example.com


Path to a file providing root domain names

amass enum -df domains.txt


Path to the directory containing the graph database

amass enum -dir PATH -d example.com


Path to a file providing data sources to exclude

amass enum -ef exclude.txt -d example.com


Data source names separated by commas to be excluded

amass enum -exclude crtsh -d example.com


Path to a file providing data sources to include

amass enum -if include.txt -d example.com


Data source names separated by commas to be included

amass enum -include crtsh -d example.com


Show the IP addresses for discovered names

amass enum -ip -d example.com


Show the IPv4 addresses for discovered names

amass enum -ipv4 -d example.com


Show the IPv6 addresses for discovered names

amass enum -ipv6 -d example.com


Path to the JSON output file

amass enum -json out.json -d example.com


Print the names of all available data sources

amass enum -list


Path to the log file where errors will be written

amass enum -log amass.log -d example.com


Deprecated flag to be replaced by dns-qps in version 4.0

amass enum -max-dns-queries 200 -d example.com


Maximum number of DNS queries per second across all resolvers

amass enum -dns-qps 200 -d example.com


Maximum number of DNS queries per second for each untrusted resolver

amass enum -rqps 10 -d example.com


Maximum number of DNS queries per second for each trusted resolver

amass enum -trqps 20 -d example.com


Subdomain labels seen before recursive brute forcing (Default: 1)

amass enum -brute -min-for-recursive 3 -d example.com


Maximum number of subdomain labels for brute forcing

amass enum -brute -max-depth 3 -d example.com


Path to a file providing already known subdomain names (from other tools/sources)

amass enum -nf names.txt -d example.com


Disable generation of altered names

amass enum -noalts -d example.com


Turn off recursive brute forcing

amass enum -brute -norecursive -d example.com


Path to the text output file

amass enum -o out.txt -d example.com


Path prefix used for naming all output files

amass enum -oA amass_scan -d example.com


A purely passive mode of execution

amass enum --passive -d example.com


Ports separated by commas (default: 443)

amass enum -d example.com -p 443,8080


IP addresses of untrusted DNS resolvers (can be used multiple times)

amass enum -r, -d example.com


IP addresses of trusted DNS resolvers (can be used multiple times)

amass enum -tr, -d example.com


Path to a file providing untrusted DNS resolvers

amass enum -rf data/resolvers.txt -d example.com


Path to a file providing trusted DNS resolvers

amass enum -trf data/trusted.txt -d example.com


Print data sources for the discovered names

amass enum -src -d example.com


Number of minutes to execute the enumeration

amass enum -timeout 30 -d example.com


Path to a different wordlist file

amass enum -brute -w wordlist.txt -d example.com









Path to the INI configuration file

amass viz -config config.ini -d3


Domain names separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass viz -d3 -d example.com


Output a D3.js v4 force simulation HTML file

amass viz -d3 -d example.com


Path to a file providing root domain names

amass viz -d3 -df domains.txt


Path to the directory containing the graph database

amass viz -d3 -dir PATH -d example.com


Identify an enumeration via an index from the db listing

amass viz -enum 1 -d3 -d example.com


Path to a pre-existing directory that will hold output files

amass viz -d3 -o OUTPATH -d example.com


Prefix used for naming all output files

amass viz -d3 -oA example -d example.com


Output to Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF)

amass viz -gexf -d example.com


Output Graphistry JSON

amass viz -graphistry -d example.com


Path to the Amass data operations JSON input file

amass viz -d3 -d example.com


Output a Maltego Graph Table CSV file

amass viz -maltego -d example.com







Path to the INI configuration file

amass track -config config.ini


Domain names separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass track -d example.com


Path to a file providing root domain names

amass track -df domains.txt


Path to the directory containing the graph database

amass track -dir PATH


Show the difference between all enumeration pairs

amass track -history


The number of recent enumerations to include in the tracking

amass track -last NUM


Exclude all enumerations before a specified date (format: 01/02 15:04:05 2006 MST)

amass track -since DATE







Path to the INI configuration file

amass db -config config.ini


Domain names separated by commas (can be used multiple times)

amass db -d example.com


Censor output to make it suitable for demonstrations

amass db -demo -d example.com


Path to a file providing root domain names

amass db -df domains.txt


Path to the directory containing the graph database

amass db -dir PATH


Identify an enumeration via an index from the listing

amass db -enum 1 -show


Import an Amass data operations JSON file to the graph database

amass db -import PATH


Show the IP addresses for discovered names

amass db -show -ip -d example.com


Show the IPv4 addresses for discovered names

amass db -show -ipv4 -d example.com


Show the IPv6 addresses for discovered names

amass db -show -ipv6 -d example.com


Path to the JSON output file or ‘-’

amass db -names -silent -json out.json -d example.com


Print enumerations in the database and filter on domains specified

amass db -list


Print just discovered names

amass db -names -d example.com


Disable colorized output

amass db -names -nocolor -d example.com


Path to the text output file

amass db -names -o out.txt -d example.com


Print the results for the enumeration index + domains provided

amass db -show


Disable all output during execution

amass db -names -silent -json out.json -d example.com


Print data sources for the discovered names

amass db -show -src -d example.com


Print just ASN table summary

amass db -summary -d example.com

