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【转载】VS2010 C++ Debug 出现“Cannot find or open the...

C++ The 出现 转载 Cannot or ... open
2023-09-14 08:59:45 时间
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2_32.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file
“abc.exe”: 已加载“C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2help.dll”,Cannot find or open the PDB file


   “We apologize if these messages are confusing, but is there any functionality you are expecting that is not available in the debugger? The symbol files (.pdbs) that cannot be found are the symbol files for the Windows system .dlls, and the only reason that you would need these is if you are trying to obtain complete callstacks including the Windows components, or debug into the Windows system APIs. If you need the symbols, they are available from the Microsoft Public Symbol servers by checking the "Microsoft Symbol Servers" box under symbol settings (Tools - Options - Debugging - Symbols). ”




“To debug a crash that occurs during a call to a system DLL or to a third-party library, you will often need system .dbg or .pdb files, which contain symbols for Windows DLLs, EXEs, and device drivers .”


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C++ STL 学习之【string】 STL 是 C++ 的重要组成部分,由六大部分构成:伪函数、空间配置器、算法、容器、迭代器 和 配接器,其中各种各样的 容器 可以很好的辅助我们写程序,比如今天要介绍的 string,有了它之后,我们对字符串的操作就能变得行云流水