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[CoffeeScript] Level 5: More on jQuery

jQueryOn level more
2023-09-14 08:59:21 时间

jQuery & Object Notation

Convert the existing JavaScript code to CoffeeScript.

# jQuery(function($){
#   $('.drink a').click(function(){
#     var newStyle = {
#       'color': '#F00',
#       'font-weight': 'bold'
#     };
#     $(this).css(newStyle)
#   });
# });

jQuery ->
  $('.drink a').click ->
    newStyle = 
      'color': '#F00'
      'font-weight': 'bold'
    $(@).css newStyle


jQuery & Object Notation - Part II

Wrap the following code into an init function that belongs to a new object named coffeeList. After defining coffeeList, invoke the coffeeList.init function.

coffeeList =
  init: ->
    $('.drink a').click (e) ->
      alert $(@).text()


jQuery & Object Notation - Part II

Wrap the following code into an init function that belongs to a new object named coffeeList. After defining coffeeList, invoke the coffeeList.init function.

# $.ajax({
#   url: '/coffeeList',
#   method: 'GET',
#   success: function(results) {
#     var i = null
#       , coffee = null;
#     for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
#       coffee = results[i];
#       if (coffee.level > 3) {
#         $('ul.drink').append("<li>" + coffee.name + "</li>")
#       }
#     }
#   },
#   error: function(results) {
#     alert("failure " + results);
#   }
# });

  url: '/coffeeList'
  method: 'GET'
  success: (results) ->
    $('ul.drink').append("<li> #{coffee.name} </li>") for coffee in results when coffee.level > 3
  error: (results) ->
    alert "failure #{results}"