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【RF库XML测试】parse xml

测试XML RF parse
2023-09-14 08:59:26 时间

Parse Xml
XML <test library>
[ source | keep_clark_notation=False ]
Parses the given XML file or string into an element structure.
The `source` can either be a path to an XML file or a string containing XML. In both cases the XML is parsed into ElementTree element structure and the root element is returned.
As discussed in `Handling XML namespaces` section, this keyword, by default, strips possible namespaces added by ElementTree into tag names. This typically eases handling XML documents with namespaces considerably. If you do not want that to happen, or want to avoid the small overhead of going through the element structure when your XML does not have namespaces, you can disable this feature by giving `keep_clark_notation` argument a true value (e.g. any non-empty string).