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[MODx] Solve cannot upload large file

File Cannot large Upload Solve
2023-09-14 08:59:20 时间

If you also run into this problem, dont' worry, here is the solution for you.



  In Modx, go "System settings" --> Search "Maximum upload size" --> edit the value (in bytes), I set to "100000000" (= 100 MB)


  In the root of "FileSystems" create a new file called ".user.ini"

upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 150M
memory_limit = 200M

 Note: post_max_size should greater than upload_max_filesize; and memory_limit should greater than post_max_size.



In some posts, they suggests change those settings in .htaccess. But for me, it doesn't works well in modx.

So use .user.ini file instead.