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[Javascript] Use JavaScript's for-in Loop on Objects with Prototypes

JavaScriptOn for in &# with 39 use
2023-09-14 08:59:17 时间

Loops can behave differently when objects have chained prototype objects. Let's see the difference we get when we use the for-in loop on an object without a prototype, as opposed to an object with a prototype object.


Let's say you have an object:

const obj = {
  firstName: "Bar",
  lastName: "Foo"


Once you use for in loop:

for (let property in obj) {
    console.log(property); // firstName, lastName
console.log(n); // 2


We can add one prototype prop to the obj:

const protoObj = {
  hair: "Brown"

Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, protoObj);



On the prototype chain we have 'hair' prop.


Now, if you use for in loop again:

for (let property in obj) {

    console.log(property); //firstName, lastName, hair
console.log(n); // 3


Be to notice, 'hair' is on the prototype chain,is not on obj's own property, so if we want to fileter 'hair':

for (let property in obj) {
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
    console.log(property); // firstName, lastName
console.log(n); // 2