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Python 面向对象编程
2023-09-14 08:59:41 时间


 black = Color()

 black.red = 0

 black.green = 0

 black.blue = 0



def lightness(color):

 Return the lightness of color.

 strongest = max(color.red, color.green, color.blue)

 weakest = min(color.red, color.green, color.blue)

 return 0.5 * (strongest + weakest) / 255


class Color(object):

 An RGB color,with red,green,blue component

 def lightness(self):

 Return the lightness of color.

 strongest = max(self.red, self.green, self.blue)

 weakest = min(self.red, self.green, self.blue)

 return 0.5 * (strongest + weakest) / 255


 purple = Color()

 purple.red = 255

 purple.green = 0

 purple.blue = 255





class Color(object):

 An RGB color,with red,green,blue component

 def __init__(self, r, g, b):

 A new color with red value r, green value g, and blue value b. All

 components are integers in the range 0-255.

 self.red = r

 self.green = g

 self.blue = b


purple = Color(128, 0, 128)


class Color(object):

 An RGB color,with red,green,blue component

 def __init__(self, r, g, b):

 A new color with red value r, green value g, and blue value b. All

 components are integers in the range 0-255.

 self.red = r

 self.green = g

 self.blue = b

 def __str__(self):

 Return a string representation of this Color in the form of an RGB tuple.

 return(%s, %s, %s) %(self.red, self.green, self.blue)


class Color(object):

 An RGB color,with red,green,blue component

 def __init__(self, r, g, b):

 A new color with red value r, green value g, and blue value b. All

 components are integers in the range 0-255.

 self.red = r

 self.green = g

 self.blue = b

 def __str__(self):

 Return a string representation of this Color in the form of an RGB tuple.

 return(%s, %s, %s) %(self.red, self.green, self.blue)

 def __add__(self, other_color):

 Return a new Color made from adding the red, green and blue components

 of this Color to Color other_colors components. If the sum is greater than

 255, the color is set to 255

 return Color(min(self.red + other_color.red, 255),

 min(self.green + other_color.green, 255),

 min(self.blue + other_color.blue, 255))

 def __sub__(self, other_color):

 Return a new Color made from subtracting the red, green and blue components

 of this Color to Color other_colors components. If the difference is less than 

 255, the color is set to 0

 return Color(min(self.red - other_color.red, 0),

 min(self.green - other_color.green, 0),

 min(self.blue - other_color.blue, 0))

 def __eq__(self, other_color):

 Return True if this Colors components are equal to Color other_colors components.

 return self.red == other_color.red and self.green == other_color.green \

 and self.blue == other_color.blue

 def lightness(self):

 Return the lightness of color.

 strongest = max(self.red, self.green, self.blue)

 weakest = min(self.red, self.green, self.blue)

 return 0.5 * (strongest + weakest) / 255


purple = Color(128, 0, 128)

white = Color(255, 255, 255)

dark_grey = Color(50, 50, 50)

print(purple + dark_grey)

print(white - dark_grey)

print(white == Color(255, 255, 255))


Help on Color in module __main__ object:

class Color(builtins.object)

 | An RGB color,with red,green,blue component

 | Methods defined here:

 | __add__(self, other_color)

 | Return a new Color made from adding the red, green and blue components

 | of this Color to Color other_colors components. If the sum is greater than

 | 255, the color is set to 255

 | __eq__(self, other_color)

 | Return True if this Colors components are equal to Color other_colors components.

 | __init__(self, r, g, b)

 | A new color with red value r, green value g, and blue value b. All

 | components are integers in the range 0-255.

 | __str__(self)

 | Return a string representation of this Color in the form of an RGB tuple.

 | __sub__(self, other_color)

 | Return a new Color made from subtracting the red, green and blue components

 | of this Color to Color other_colors components. If the difference is less than 

 | 255, the color is set to 0

 | lightness(self)

 | Return the lightness of color.

 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 | Data descriptors defined here:

 | __dict__

 | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)

 | __weakref__

 | list of weak references to the object (if defined)

 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 | Data and other attributes defined here:

 | __hash__ = None
在面向对象编程语言中,定义新类型的手段是:创建新类。类支持封装,换句话说,类将数据以及相关的操作放在一起,以便使程序的其他部分可以忽略相关的实现细节。 类还支持多态。如果两个类拥有相同用法的方法,则他们的实例可以互相替换,且不会影响到程序的其他部分。这就意味着我们能够进行“即插即用型”编程,即代码能够根据所处理的具体类型而执行不同的操作。(多态的意思就是说,某个含有变量的表达式可以根据该变量所引用的对象的实际类型得到不同的结果。) 新类还可以通过“继承现有类”的方式来进行定义:class child(parent)。系类不仅可以重写父类的功能特点,而且还可以添加新的功能特点。 当方法被定义在类中时,其第一个参数必须是一个特殊的变量,该变量表示的是调用该方法的那个对象。按照惯例,这个参数成为self。 在Python中,部分方法拥有着特殊的预定义含义:为了有所区别,他们的名称以双下划线开头和结尾。在这些方法中,有的在构造对象时调用(__init__),有的在将对象转换为字符串时调用(__str__和__repr__),有的则用于模拟算数运算(比如__add__和__sub__)。 转载:http://blog.csdn.net/foreverling/article/details/44891647