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常用 小结 汽车 电子 英语
2023-09-14 08:59:08 时间


haptic a. 触觉的
standard tolerances 标准差分
emission power 发射功率
quiescent current 静态(无信号)电流
multimeter 万用表
RF acquisition 射频采集
button force and travel 按钮的力和行程
keying v. 键控;用键盘输入; 用钥匙划坏(汽车)
oscilloscope [əˈsɪləskəʊp] n. 示波器,示波管
Firmware: 固件


ECU: 电子控制单元 Electronic Control Unit

RAM: 随机存取存储器 Random Access Memory

ROM: 只读存储器 Read Only Memory

EEPROM: 电可擦除可编程只读存储器 Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

CAN: 控制器区域网络 Controller Area Network

MISRA: 汽车工业软件可靠性协会 Motor Industry Software Reliability Association

LIN: 局域互连网络 Local Interconnect Network

SCB: 对蓄电池短路 Short Circuit to Battery

SCG: 对地短路 Short Circuit to Ground

GND: 接地电位 Ground potential

Ubat: 蓄电池电压电势 Battery voltage potential

POR: 通电/复位 Power On/Reset

RSA: 中继站攻击 Relay Station Attack

LF:低频 Low Frequency

  • Here also the (communication) interface from vehicle to UID.

RF: 射频; 无线电频率 Radio frequency

  • The frequency used by the UID to send data to vehicle.

RSSI: 接收信号强度指示(场强) Received Signal Strength Indication.

  • The relative received signal strength of an LF burst (LF突发的相对接收信号强度).

WUP: 唤醒模式; 唤醒头 Wake Up Pattern.

  • A bit pattern received by the UID through LF interface causing a wake up event from sleep mode.

CRC: 循环冗余校验码 Cyclic redundancy check

  • Error-detecting algorithm used to detect accidental changes to LF/RF data (用于检测低频/射频数据意外变化的错误检测算法)



Extensibility: 可扩展性

  • New capabilities can be added to the SW without major changes to the underlying architecture.
  • 在不对底层体系结构进行重大更改的情况下,可以将新功能添加到软件中

Fault-tolerance: 容错

  • The SW is resistant to and able to recover from component failure.
  • 软件能够抵抗组件故障并能够从中恢复

Maintainability: 可维护性

  • The SW can be restored to a specific condition within a specified time period.
  • 软件可以在指定的时间段内恢复到特定的状态

Modularity: 模块化

  • The resulting SW comprises well defined, independent components. That leads to better maintainability. The components could be then implemented and tested in isolation before being integrated to form a desired SW system. This allows division of work in a SW development project.
  • 由此产生的软件包括定义明确的独立组件。这会带来更好的可维护性。然后,在集成组件以形成所需的软件系统之前,可以隔离地实施和测试这些组件。这允许在软件开发项目中进行工作分工

Reliability: 可靠性

  • The SW is able to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
  • 软件能够在规定的条件下在指定的时间段内执行所需的功能

Reusability: 可重复使用性

  • The modular components designed should capture the essence of the functionality expected out of them and no more or less. This single-minded purpose renders the components reusable wherever there are similar needs in other designs.
  • 设计的模块化组件应该捕捉到预期功能的本质,而不是更多或更少。这种专一的目的使组件能够在其他设计中有类似需求的地方重复使用

Robustness: 鲁棒性

  • The SW is able to operate under stress or tolerate unpredictable or invalid input. For example, it can be designed with a resilience to low memory conditions.
  • 软件能够在压力下运行,或容忍不可预测或无效的输入。例如,它可以被设计为具有对低存储器条件的弹性

Security: 安全性

  • The SW is able to withstand hostile acts and influences (软件能够承受敌对行为和影响).


FMEA: 潜在失效模式和影响分析 (potential failure mode and consequence analysis)
BOM: 材料清单 (bill of material)
OTS: 工装样件 (off tool sample)
SOP: 量产 (start of production)
EOL:整车下线流程(End of Line);项目终止/停产 (End-of-life)
EMS: 引擎管理系统 (engine management system)
EMC: 电磁兼容性 (electromagnetic compatibility)
BCM: 车身控制器 (body controller)
PDC: 域控制器 (power domain controller)
FSK: 频移键控调制 (frequency shift keying)
ASK: 幅移键控调制 (amplitude shift keying)
RKE: 远程无钥匙进入 (remote keyless entry system)
PEPS: 无钥匙进入和启动 (passive entry and passive start system)
PKE: 被动无钥匙进入 (passive keyless entry system)
DUT: 被测器件 (Device Under Test),同理,EUT(被测设备), UUT(被测单元)
EEPROM: 带电可擦可编程只读存储器 (Electrically Erasable Programmable read only memory)
OEM: 原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturer)



  • 如果没有问题的话,我们将结束会议
  • if there are no more questions, we will close this meeting.

