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[Typescript] OVerride external library Types

typescript library types External override
2023-09-14 08:59:11 时间
import { getAnimatingState } from "fake-animation-lib";
import { Equal, Expect } from "../helpers/type-utils";

const animatingState = getAnimatingState();

type tests = [
      typeof animatingState,
      "before-animation" | "animating" | "after-animation"


Current the function getAnimatingStatereturn is just string type. And it is coming from a extranal library fake-animation-lib.

export const getAnimatingState = (): string => {
  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
    return "before-animation";

  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
    return "animating";

  return "after-animation";


The way to override is by create a new *.d.ts file, you name name the file as you want, but need to keep .d.ts

// the new *.d.ts will override the previous declarion file
declare module "fake-animation-lib" {
  export type AnimatingState = "before-animation" | "animating" | "after-animation"
  export function getAnimatingState(): AnimatingState;