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[SAA + SAP] 19. Database & Redshfit

2023-09-14 08:59:12 时间


  • ETL: Extra data from S3 or RDS
  • Transform data in Glue
  • Load data into RedShift, or other Data Warehouse

  • Craw the data

  • Search for any field
  • Partially matches


  • Data warehouse
  • High perofrmance
  • Can write SQL

  • Copy data can through Enahced VPC Routing
  • Redshift is provisioned, so it's worth it when you have a sustained usage (otherwise use Athena if the queries are sporadic)



  • Redshift has no "Multi-AZ"
  • So for DR, you need to use Snapshot
  • CRR is available


  • Data source are be from
    • Kinesis data firehose
    • S3
    • EC2 (suitable for batch operation)

  • SQL query against S3
  • Must use Redshift cluster