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[Typescript] asserts tips

typescript Tips
2023-09-14 08:59:12 时间
class SDK {
  constructor(public loggedInUserId?: string) {}

  createPost(title: string) {
    createPost(this.loggedInUserId, title);

  assertUserIsLoggedIn(): asserts this is this & { loggedInUserId: string } {
    if (!this.loggedInUserId) {
      throw new Error("User is not logged in");

Basiclly it is a combination assertion

asserts this is this & { loggedInUserId: string }

Assert this is this, return true

and force loggedInUserId to be string type.


Another way

class SDK {
  constructor(public loggedInUserId?: string) {}

  createPost(title: string) {
    createPost(this.loggedInUserId, title);

  assertUserIsLoggedIn(user: string | undefined): asserts user is string {
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error("User is not logged in");

I prefer this way better