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[Angular] Angular Attribute Decorator - When to use it?

ITAngular to use attribute when Decorator
2023-09-14 08:59:15 时间

When we pass value to a component, normally we use @Input.

<my-comp [courses]="(courses$ | async) as courses" ></my-comp>

export class MyComp implements OnInit {
    @Input() courses;

Angular will check whether any update on @Input on each event fires in order to keep DOM update.  Which means if we have too many unncessary @Input, can cause profermance overhead. 


By 'unncessary' I mean, the value won't change overtime.

For example:

<my-comp type="beginner" [courses]="(courses$ | async) as courses" ></my-comp>

In this case, we can use @Attribute decorator:

export class MyComp implements OnInit {
    @Input() courses;
    constructor (@Attribute('type') private type) {}

It is similar to AngularJS one time binding.