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VMware安装RedHat 6(64位)报错问题

VMware安装 报错 64 Redhat 问题
2023-09-14 08:58:20 时间
机安装的是WIN 7 ,详细版本是:Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1 。虚拟机版本:7.1.2 build-301548.在虚拟机上安装RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 6 64版本时,报如下错误:


You have configured this virtual machine to use a 64-bit guest operating system.  However, 64-bit operation is not possible. This host is VT-capable, but VT is disabled.

This is usually because VT has been disabled in the BIOS/firmware settings or the host has not been power-cycled since changing this setting. Please:

(1) Verify that the BIOS/firmware settings enable VT and disable trusted execution.

(2) Power-cycle the host, if either of these BIOS/firmware settings have been changed.

(3) Power-cycle the host, if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.

(4) Update the hosts BIOS/firmware to the latest version.

For more detailed information, see http://vmware.com/info?id=152.


Continue without 64-bit support?



This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. 
更多VMWare硬件要求的信息参见:Hardware and Firmware Requirements for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems 


只需在BIOS下开启虚拟化技术,即设置virtualization technology选项即可。(Intel系列的CPU芯片需要支持EM64T和VT,并且需要BIOS支持才行。)进入BIOS后,选择Security选项,然后选择Virtualization选项,进去后把Inter(R) Virtualization Technology选项设置为Enable后,退出重启电脑,即可顺利安装RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 6 64位操作系统.


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