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事件数据库 生产 灾难 7.2
2023-09-14 08:57:58 时间





00:06:00000:00912:2013/07/02 03:31:53.98 server  Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database XXXDB.  All future modifications to this database will be suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available.
00:01:00000:00046:2013/07/02 03:31:54.08 server  Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 4
00:01:00000:00046:2013/07/02 03:31:54.09 server  Cant allocate space for object syslogs in database XXXDB because logsegment segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.
00:01:00000:00046:2013/07/02 03:31:54.09 server  DUMP TRANSACTION for database XXXDB could not truncate the log. Either extend the log using ALTER DATABASE ... LOG ON command or eliminate the oldest active transaction in database frtdb shown in syslogshold table.
00:01:00000:00046:2013/07/02 03:31:54.09 server  DUMP TRANSACTION for database XXXDB could not truncate the log. Either extend the log using ALTER DATABASE ... LOG ON command or eliminate the oldest active transaction in database XXXDB shown in syslogshold table.
00:01:00000:00046:2013/07/02 03:31:54.09 server  background task message: LOG DUMP:logsegment for XXXDB dumped!

问题很明显:2013/07/02 03:31:53就已经出现了空间不足的情况,2013/07/02 03:31:54.08出现了log空间已满的情况。2013/07/02 03:31:54.09执行了Dump操作,但是失败了,无奈那么为什么会失败呢?又是什么操作导致了日志空间的剧烈增长呢?继续跟踪日志。



00:02:00000:00796:2013/07/01 07:13:24.33 server  Deadlock Id 1 detected
Deadlock Id 1 detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.
Deadlock Id 1: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1117, Suid 4) was executing a UPDATE command in the procedure insprep0 at line 1 at nested level 1.
Deadlock Id 1: Process 1117 was involved in application .
Deadlock Id 1: Process 1117 was involved on host name .
Deadlock Id 1: Process 1117 was involved in transaction $user_transaction.
SQL Text:  
Executing procedure: *00111700009969_3e59fe
Subordinate SQL Text:XXXXX
Deadlock Id 1: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 796, Suid 4) was executing a FETCH CURSOR command at line -1.
Deadlock Id 1: Process 796 was involved in application .
Deadlock Id 1: Process 796 was involved on host name .
Deadlock Id 1: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 796) was waiting for a shared page lock on page 60607 of table t_merch_det in database frtdb but process (Familyid 0, Spid 1117) already held a exclusive page lock on it.
Deadlock Id 1: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1117) was waiting for a exclusive page lock on page 5866141 of table t_merch_det in database frtdb but process (Familyid 0, Spid 796) already held a shared page lock on it.

Deadlock Id 1: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 796) was chosen as the victim.
Victim process host = `, user = `sysadmin program name = ` host processes = `13697416 .
End of deadlock information.
00:00:00000:01262:2013/07/01 14:49:42.27 server  Deadlock Id 2 detected
Deadlock Id 2 detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 2: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 813, Suid 4) was executing a FETCH CURSOR command at line -1.
Deadlock Id 2: Process 813 was involved in application .
Deadlock Id 2: Process 813 was involved on host name .
Deadlock Id 2: Process 813 was involved in transaction $user_transaction.
Deadlock Id 2: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1262, Suid 4) was executing a UPDATE command in the procedure insprep0 at line 1 at nested level 1.
Deadlock Id 2: Process 1262 was involved in application .
Deadlock Id 2: Process 1262 was involved on host name .
Deadlock Id 2: Process 1262 was involved in transaction $user_transaction.
SQL Text:  
Executing procedure: *00126200040493_8f416a
Subordinate SQL Text:  XXXXXXX
Deadlock Id 2: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1262) was waiting for a exclusive row lock on row 21 page 10073 of the XXXXXX table in database frtdb but process (Familyid 0, Spid 813) already held a exclusive row lock on it.
Deadlock Id 2: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 813) was waiting for a shared row lock on row 11 page 18705629 of the XXXXXX table in database frtdb but process (Familyid 0, Spid 1262) already held a exclusive row lock on it.

Deadlock Id 2: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1262) was chosen as the victim.
Victim process host = `, user = `sysadmin program name = ` host processes = `13500790 .

End of deadlock information.

根据分析发现,死锁的时间发生在2013/07/01 14:49:42.27,而发生死锁的进程也被终止,如果是由此原因导致的问题的话,爆发时间对不上。根据日志清理的定时计划,再次阶段出现的问题,日志应该已经被清理,所以可以排除掉这种情况。


00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:56.60 server  Completed filling free space info for database XXXDB.
00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:56.61 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database XXXDB.
00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:57.04 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database XXXDB.
00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:57.04 server  Checking external objects.
00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:57.46 server  The transaction log in the database XXXDB will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00:00000:00013:2013/06/30 01:10:57.46 server  Database XXXDB is now online.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.47 server  Recovery has restored the value of local async prefetch limit for 64K pool in default data cache from 80 to DEFAULT.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.47 server  Recovery has restored the value of local async prefetch limit for 8K pool in default data cache from 80 to DEFAULT.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.57 server  Recovery has restored the original size for 64K pool and 8K pool in default data cache.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.58 server  Recovery complete.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.59 server  ASEs default unicode sort order is binary.
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.60 server  ASEs default sort order is:
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.60 server      nocase_cp936 (ID = 52)
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.60 server  on top of default character set:
00:00:00000:00001:2013/06/30 01:10:57.60 server      cp936 (ID = 171).








信创环境下达梦数据库唯一索引异常无法拦截DuplicateKeyException 迁移到达梦数据库后,发现我们的全局异常拦截中的唯一索引异常 无法被正常拦截,给前端直接抛出了数据库原始的错误信息,对用户极其不友好。如果不对唯一索引异常拦截,则默认 与 的异常信息如下:在 中通过 注解,实现对异常响应的统一封装。可参考:全栈开发之后端脚手架:SpringBoot集成MybatisPlus代码生成,分页,雪花算法,统一响应,异常拦截,Swagger3接口文档以下是对数据库唯一索引异常的拦截,统一返回:编号不可重复。 对主流的数据库的异常进行了封装与翻译,对于 都可以进行拦截,但是到了国产数据库,比如这里是达梦8,那么其异常信息 `Spring` 就不认识
如何构建一个拖垮整个公司的备份系统 在如今“数据即资产”的时代,有备才能无患。备份就像备胎,虽然大多人都知道备胎很重要,却很少有人检查。不发生点什么,你永远不知道TA对你有多重要。
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