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codeforces C. Diverse Permutation(构造)

Codeforces 构造 Permutation
2023-09-14 08:57:55 时间
题意:1...n 的全排列中 p1, p2, p3....pn中,找到至少有k个
|p1-p2| , |p2-p3|, ...|pn-1 - pn| 互不相同的元素! 

思路: 保证相邻的两个数的差值的绝对值为单调递减序列..... 


#include iostream 

#include cstdio 

#include cstring 

#include algorithm 

#define N 100005 

using namespace std;

int vis[N];

int num[N];

int main(){

 int n, k;

 scanf("%d%d", n, 

 num[1] = 1;

 vis[1] = 1;

 int c = k, i;

 for(i=2; i ++i){

 if(num[i-1]-c 0 !vis[num[i-1]-c]){


 num[i] = num[i-1]-c;

 else if(num[i-1]+c = n !vis[num[i-1]+c]){


 num[i] = num[i-1]+c;


 if(c 1) break;

 for(int j=1; j ++j)

 if(!vis[j]) num[++i]=j;

 printf("%d", num[1]);

 for(int j=2; j ++j)

 printf(" %d", num[j]);


 return 0;


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